“Is this part of why you avoid having relationships with demons? You don’t want to repeat their mistakes?”

She sighed. “It’s more that male demons make relationships too complicated. I don’t want that.”

He was silent for a minute. “I can understand now why you’re hesitant to bond. But we’re not Carla and Lucian. You’re not delusional and selfish, and I’m not a self-centered playboy. As for you avoiding relationships with demons…”


“What happens when your demon decides it’s ready for a mate? It won’t settle for a human, and it will drive you insane because you’re not giving it what it wants and needs. You know what happens to people who do that, because you’ve seen that firsthand too.” People like that became like Lucian – lost.

“I’ll deal with that when it happens,” she said with a nonchalant shrug. In truth, it was a worry, but she didn’t let it play on her mind.

Figuring one truth deserved another, Knox said, “The fact that my demon gets bored very quickly with women isn’t the only reason I don’t do relationships. I know I wouldn’t be good at them, and I don’t like being involved in things I’m not good at.”

She laughed. “So you’re a perfectionist as well as a total control freak.”

“And yet, your rebellious personality doesn’t irritate me the way it should. Except for when you fight accepting me as your anchor, of course.”

She gave a little shrug. “I’m just not convinced that accepting this anchor thing is the smart thing to do, I told you why.”

“It’s not just about Carla and Lucian’s experience though, is it?” He was coming to read her quite well.


“No, it’s not.”

“Is it because I’m controlling or because of what Isla might do?” He doubted it was the second. “Or because you find it too strange and uncomfortable to have someone look out for you?”

Sensing that he was playing with her somehow, she said nothing.

“The first should only bother you if you believe I have the power to steamroll you.” Yes, that was a little reverse psychology but he wasn’t above using it.

“You don’t.”

“The second should only bother you if you don’t believe you can truly protect yourself or that I will protect you if necessary.” Yes, more use of reverse psychology.

“I can protect myself.”

“And the third…I’m not going to imply that it shouldn’t be strange for you, because I understand. But is it really so bad having someone there for you?”

No, it wasn’t. Although she didn’t say that aloud, it must have been in her expression because a hint of smugness glistened in his eyes. “Arrogant bastard.” His smile widened.


She shouldn’t have gone home with him. She knew better.

He just wanted to feed her and ensure she relaxed, he’d said – after all, it had been a weird and trying afternoon. Still, it was one thing to have the occasional meal with him; it was another to spend pretty much the entire day with him. But…Harper hadn’t wanted to be alone. And, honestly, she was coming to like his company.

He could be almost fascinating at times. She’d grown up around imps, creatures that were expressive, temperamental, wild, and passionate. She wasn’t used to people like Knox, who was so collected, focused, and emotionally disconnected. Also, she’d never before met anyone who had such a huge amount of personal power. People were always eager to please him, always respected him in spite of the fear he inspired.

She ached a little for him, though. Despite being surrounded by people all the time, he seemed to stand apart. He was so solitary, like a tiger. But demons weren’t built to be alone. They were social, tactile, sexual creatures. And yet, this was how he lived.

When his staff came to him with issues, every order he gave them was quick, objective, and unemotional. He always knew exactly what he wanted, and he always did exactly what he had to do to get it. And she had to face that fighting their anchor bond was pointless. Not even the things she’d told him on the jet appeared to have made any difference. But, as he’d said, they weren’t Carla and Lucian; they were totally different people. Knox would never give up, never cease tormenting her until she gave him what he wanted.

After they’d eaten a seriously delicious meal and she was perched on one of the breakfast stools while he made them both coffee, she sighed. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” It wasn’t really a question.

Placing the mug in front of her, Knox then braced his hands on the counter. He didn’t pretend to misunderstand her. “No. I’ve told you before, I don’t walk away from what’s mine. And you are mine.”

She blew over the rim of her mug. “Hmm.”

“No matter how much or how long you fight the bond, it won’t keep me away from you. Nothing will. I’ll always be in your life, Harper.” He paused as they both sipped at their coffee. “Haven’t I proven that I plan to be a constant presence?”

“Oh you’ve been around a lot, sure…but what happens if we bond? You wouldn’t need to try to prove anything to me anymore. You’d have what you want. The link would be formed. I’d officially be your anchor. You could only visit me when the time apart gets uncomfortable. I wouldn’t blame you.” She honestly wouldn’t. “I mean, we don’t have much in common. We have different lifestyles. I’m not part of your lair and I have no intention of changing that. Anchors are supposed to make each other’s lives easier and better. You already have everything you want. You don’t need me for anything. There’s literally nothing that I can offer you.” It hurt her pride, and dammit it just plain hurt.

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