Each time they were together, he surprisingly made a distinct effort to get to know her, asking questions about her family and the places she’d seen during her travels. He shared some of his own memories with her, though nothing too personal. He’d also hinted at her accompanying him to the conference in New York, wherein the Primes would discuss the matter of electing a U.S. Monarch, since many demons took their anchors to important events. Harper was nosy enough to be considering it, but she wasn’t yet totally sure she—

Come to me.

Again, his voice snaked over her skin. Squeezing her eyes shut, Harper shook her head. For the first time, she responded to his call. Why are you doing this to me? She’d seen the way females responded to him, doubted he’d ever be short of women eager to hop in his bed. She’d also noticed that those women were just like Kendra – tall, elegant, and well-groomed. Harper was none of those things and she was totally okay with it. That didn’t change the fact that she wasn’t his usual type.

I want you.

Like it was truly that simple for him. She scratched at her arm, feeling itchy with the restlessness that was taunting her entire body. His mind brushed against hers, almost as if he was trying to comfort her. She was glad her mental shields were tough enough to withstand him or he’d no doubt pour into her mind until she could feel him everywhere. Telepathy wasn’t an invasion of the mind. It was like one mind picking up the frequency of another and using that channel of communication to speak.

Maybe you only want me because I’m not tripping all over myself to get to you. Demons loved challenges.

A vibe of male amusement touched her mind. We both know it’s more than that, but I’ll admit that your stubbornness is refreshing. His mind stroked hers once more…and then it was gone. And for some stupid, irrational reason, she felt more alone than she ever had before.

It wasn’t only her stubbornness he seemed to find entertaining. Knox also seemed to be enjoying how difficult she found it to adjust to having someone who looked out for her. He’d installed a high-tech security system at her apartment and the studio. He’d also assigned Tanner to be both her driver and bodyguard – something she’d expected Tanner to resent, given that it had to be a boring job. But her new bodyguard made it clear to her that since she was important to Knox, her safety was equally important to Tanner and the other sentinels.

Part of her balked at having a driver, felt it impeded on her independence. But traveling in a Bentley beat using public transport any day. As such, when she left her apartment later that morning to head for work, Tanner was waiting outside. They talked a little during the short journey, at the end of which he parked in a spot outside the studio and, as usual, remained in his car while she went inside.

“Morning,” sang Khloë, who was sitting at the reception desk. “I brought bagels.”

“You mean you stole bagels.”


Khloë just shrugged.

Peeking at Tanner through the window, Devon asked, “Is he ever going to come inside?”

“I doubt it,” replied Harper. “He takes his sentry position very seriously.”

No sooner had Harper began setting up her station than Raini appeared, took her by the arm, and started pulling her toward the back of the studio. “What? What is it?”

“I have something to show you,” said the succubus. Inside the office, Raini dug into a black store bag and pulled out a pair of tailored black pants and an elegant blouse. “What do you think?”

Harper gave the suit an approving nod. “It’ll look good on you.”

Raini rolled her eyes. “It’s not for me, it’s for you.”

“What?” squeaked Harper. “I don’t do ‘elegant.’ I can’t.”

“If you go to the conference in New York, you’ll have to. And if you just lose that expression that dares the world to come at you, you’ll easily pull off elegant. Oh, and I got you shoes to match.”

“I’m not good at—”

“Think of this suit as armor. You’re going to be in a place swarming with high-profile demons, and they’ll undoubtedly be dressed all prim and proper. You’ll feel better if you’re dressed just the same.”

“Armor,” echoed Harper. “I can work with that.”

Raini gave her a beaming smile that lit up the room. “Excellent! One more thing before we get to work: have you tested the bed springs with Knox yet? Why are you scowling? I was just asking.”

Carla Hayden, Knox noted, didn’t look much like her daughter. Although they were both petite, she lacked Harper’s delicious curves. Her facial features were exotic where Harper’s were soft. In addition, Carla’s skin was a golden shade while Harper’s was ivory perfection. There were only three physical traits they seemed to share: height, hair color, and the slightly pointed chin.

When Harper looked at someone, it was with a bold, daring ‘fucking try me’ expression that amused both Knox and his demon. Carla, however, was all smiles and grace and pleasantness. They both had a certain sensuality to their movements. But whereas it was innate and unconscious with Harper, it was superficial and practiced with Carla.

Standing in the office of one of his casinos, Carla nodded. “Mr. Thorne.”

“Sit,” he invited, forcing himself to be civil. He’d suspected the woman would come at some point, wanting to know if the rumors circulating about the identity of his anchor were true. It had been three days since he’d last seen Harper. Three days of his demon hounding him to seek her out, to take her as they both wanted. There was no denying that it was utterly fixated on her.

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