“It should have worked out!” she yelled, obviously out of control now that she’d lost everything she’d worked for. “I had loyal supporters! The results have to be fixed!”

“Why is that?” asked Knox.

Harper laughed as realization dawned. “Been up to your old tricks again, Isla? Tell me, just how many people did you blackmail, threaten, or manipulate to try to get what you want? Are some of those people in this room?” That would certainly explain the amount of scowls she’d been receiving all night. “I’ll bet you were the one to start the whisper campaigns, too.”

“I don’t believe I was speaking to you,” Isla sneered at Harper.

“I don’t believe I care,” said Harper with a shrug.

“So brave because you have Knox to protect you.”

Harper didn’t rise to the taunt; she simply stated, “I don’t need the protection of him or anyone else.” Harper hid behind no one. If Isla wanted to believe she was weak, that was her mistake.

A glint of calculation entered Isla’s eyes. “Really? Very confident.” A pleasant smile lit her face. “Maybe you and I should take a turn in the combat circle, and we’ll see just how strong you are.”

Raul almost choked on his champagne. “You want a duel with Harper? Truly? You’re that crazy?”

Knox crossed to Isla, muscles rippling with danger. “I wasn’t aware that you wanted to die, Isla. I warned you that I’d destroy you if you harmed her.”

Isla shrugged one shoulder delicately. “It would just be a little fun, Knox.”


As Tanner moved to stand in front of Harper, his stance protective, Harper assured him, “It’s okay, Tanner, I really don’t think she can kill me with her scowl.” Harper peered around him and raised her hand. “I have a question. Do you want to duel with me because you still believe you’re Knox’s anchor? Or is it that you need a whipping boy because you’re so pissed off that you didn’t get your precious votes? I’m interested.”

“I am his anchor,” she snapped.

Harper shook her head sadly. “Oh, Isla. How you do enjoy your delusions.” She sighed. “And here was me thinking it was the second answer. After all, you do like to take your rage out on women.”

Isla’s eyelids flickered.

“Yes, you find inflicting pain and sexually assaulting the she-demons of your lair to be lots of fun, don’t you? You’re addicted to the high you get from it.”

Isla hissed, ignoring the whispers of disgust that traveled around the room. “Lies.”

Harper snorted. “It’s not me that prefers the world of fiction, Miss ‘Knox-is-my-anchor-despite-all-evidence-to-the-contrary.’”

“Isla, leave,” snarled Knox. “Or I will kill you. That’s your last warning.”

“Don’t you think you’re all overreacting a little?” Isla rolled her eyes. “I suggested a duel. Not a battle to the death.”

Harper got to her feet. “I think it would be kind of enjoyable.”

“Not a fucking chance, baby,” Knox ground out. “Tanner, get her out of here.”

“Nu-uh. I don’t walk away from a challenge.” Knox, I know you’re worried for me. I know you don’t want to see me hurt. I get it, and I love you for it. But I’ve told you before, I can’t hide behind you. It’s not who I am. And people need to see that I’m no easy target. I’m sick to fucking death of people assuming I am one.

“I know you’re strong,” Knox told Harper aloud, wanting everyone to hear just how much faith he had in her. “I know you don’t need my protection. But you’re my anchor and my mate, which means I won’t allow anyone to hurt you irrespective of your strength.”

Knox stilled as Jolene’s voice came then. Knox, you understand why Harper has to do this. She has to make it known that she’s strong in her own right. People see her as your weakness. They have to understand that she can also be a strength for you. That she herself isn’t weak.

In a sense, Knox did understand. But he couldn’t, he wouldn’t, sanction her putting herself in harm’s way. Isla wasn’t just a banshee, she was half vampire. “Tanner.”

Understanding, Tanner went to lead Harper away.

“No! She’s mine!” cried Isla.

There was a blur of movement followed by excruciating, stabbing pains in Harper’s neck. Harper stared in shock at the she-demon in front of her, who now had Knox’s hand wrapped around her throat. “You bit me,” said Harper.

“I didn’t just bite you, I weakened you.” Isla laughed. “That’s my vampiric gift, you see. I can steal some of a person’s power through their blood. It’ll be hours before you get it back.”

That was when Harper snapped out of her shocked daze. With her inner demon’s rage fueling her, she launched herself at Isla, punching her square in the jaw. Isla howled in soul-deep agony, but Harper didn’t get a chance to enjoy it before Tanner picked her up and slung her over his shoulder.

Harper drummed her fists on his back as she screeched, “Let me at the bitch!”

“Many from Isla’s lair were watching the voting in the Underground, Harper,” said Tanner as they walked out of the emergency exit and into a side alley. “They’re going to see Knox make Isla die painfully. Her inner circle worship her. They’ll want vengeance. You’re weakening fast, so we need to get you out before any of them try to come for you.”

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