When I pulled back from her hungry mouth our eyes locked as the stretchy and tight material cleared the top of her blond head. I sucked in a breath because she was so pretty and perfect she almost didn’t seem real. Girls like her, with wide blue eyes, a perfect pink blush, skin softer than a flower petal, and a set of breasts topped with the sweetest, perkiest pink nipples weren’t for guys like me . . . at least not normally. She was even more flawless seminaked, ruffled up, and flushed than she was in her power suits with her professional cloak firmly in place. I was careful not to break delicate things that I knew would cost a fortune to replace. I knew just how to handle them . . . and how to handle her if the way she moaned and pulled at me with impatient hands was any indication.

I grinned at her as her fingers tightened in my hair. I bent my head so that I could nip at the curve of her jaw and lifted my hands so that I could brush the pads of my thumbs over the crest of both straining tips. “Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to taste these the last time I was this close to you? I bet they’re as sweet as they look.”

Her eyelids fluttered a little and I saw her bite down on her bottom lip. She shivered in my grasp and I could see that indecision that was so weighty start to creep into her eyes as she watched me. Her chest rose and fell against my own, which had my dick kicking painfully behind my zipper. I wasn’t going to let her doubt interfere with what had been so long coming, so I dropped my head and pulled one stiff peak into my mouth. She was tall, even in her running shoes, and I couldn’t remember any other time I had lined up with anyone else quite as well. I still had to bend down, but the new position meant I could pull her hips tightly into mine and that there was room to work one of my hands under the elastic top of her workout pants.

She moaned and I heard her head thunk back against the wall as I gripped her naked backside and ground my erection against her soft center. I was happy to find that there was nothing, not a single stitch of clothing, between my questing fingers and her baby-soft skin.

I brushed my beard softly across her chest and scraped the edge of my teeth lightly over the velvety nipple I had trapped between my lips. “No underwear?” To say I was surprised was an understatement. She seemed far more proper and buttoned up than that. I let my fingers glide over the firm swell of her ass and then danced them around the front under the stretchy fabric. I wanted to give a little cheer of victory when she moved her leg to the side to give me more room. She had to know where my final destination was and she was all but giving me the green light to keep going.

I moved my mouth to the other breast and her hands fell from my hair to my shoulders. Her fingernails bit into the taut skin there and she was breathless when she replied. “I wasn’t planning on anyone finding that out. I couldn’t find anything else to wear that seemed suitable. I don’t keep things around that I can ruin, because I never really get dirty.”

She was wrong about that. She was about to get all kinds of dirty, and not just because she was covered in paint.

“Getting dirty is fun, Sayer.” I put my mouth on the pulse that was fluttering like a trapped bird on the side of her neck. I let my teeth sink into it at the same time as my exploring fingers found that hot, damp place between her legs. I leaned in closer to her and her entire body jerked as I slid my fingers through her slick outer folds. Not only did the woman look flawless, she felt that way, too. Silky, hot, slippery, and smooth. She was made up of all kinds of tempting things I couldn’t wait to feel around more than just my fingers.

She gasped my name and I heard the question in it. There was no answer I could give her other than that this was bound to happen, so I just moved my head up to kiss her again and let my fingers slip all the way inside her grasping body. It was a hold I never wanted to pull away from.

I ravaged her mouth, knowing my facial hair was again going to leave its mark. I pulled her leg up around my hip so I could go deeper, feel more of her around me as she throbbed and pulsed in time with our synchronized heartbeats. I rubbed my chest against hers and sighed into her mouth when I felt her hands start a quest of their own.

Her touch was featherlight, barely touching my skin as she worked her palms over the tattoos on my pecs, down across my ribs, pausing a second to rub across my tense abdomen, and then tentatively hitting my belt buckle. My cock strained against the denim and metal of my zipper, but since my hands were otherwise occupied, it was up to her to set it free and move this from dirty to downright filthy.


To encourage her I put my thumb on her clit and pressed down hard. When she gasped into my mouth and her whole body jerked, I grinned in satisfaction as she started to work on my buckle. Her inner walls were quivering around my fingers and she was lava hot. Her breathing was getting more and more jagged, so I kept up the pressure on that little center of pleasure right at the heart of her until she had my pants all the way undone and was working on pulling them down and out of the way. She was getting all liquid and pliable around my twisting fingers and her breath was starting to come in short, choppy pants against the side of my neck. She was so close to the edge, but I wanted to be inside of her when she went over. I wanted all of that pretty perfection wrapped up tightly around me and hammering against me.

She was reaching for my dick, but I pulled my hand out of her body and out of her pants and caught it in my own. While I liked the slide of her paint-covered palm across my chest, if she got that shit on my cock it was going to be game over, and if that happened I knew there was a chance I was never going to be able to have her like this again. Once I was in, she was going to have a much harder time pulling on that goddamn mask of hers when she was around me because I had already seen all the kind, thoughtful, passionate things she was trying to hide underneath it. Maybe it was selfish to want her with the same desperation that I needed her for other things in my life, but she wanted me just as bad and I knew I could make her need me, too.

“That’s a different kind of dirty than I’m after, doll.” I leaned forward so that the entire lengths of our bodies were pressed together and my dick was trapped against the soft skin of her stomach. I felt a drop of moisture bead up at the tip and she must have felt it, too, because her eyes went wide in her face. I put her trapped hands on the wall over her head and leaned down so I could whisper in her ear, “In the next minute your pants are coming off, my dick is coming all the way out, I’m getting suited up, and then I’m going to be so deep inside of you that all those fears, all that hesitation you’re watching me through, won’t have any room to fit. There’s only going to be room for me and the way we feel when we’re together.”