"That's right," he said encouragingly. "When you get your basket nearly

full, bring it down and empty it very gently in one of the sieves--

gently, mind."

I promised, and he went away, leaving me as busy as could be in the warm

sunshine, thoroughly enjoying my task, picking away carefully at the

apples, beginning low down, and then getting higher and higher till I

felt the ladder bend and the branch give, and I had to hold on tightly

by one hand.

I had to go down three times to empty my basket, pouring out the apples

very gently so as not to bruise them, and at last I had picked all the


pippins I could reach from the ladder.

I got down and proceeded to move it, so as to get to another part of the


It was easy enough, after I had got it free of the twigs, to pull the

ladder upright, and this done I looked at the place where I meant to put

it next, and getting hold of it tightly, began to lift it by the spokes

just as I had seen Ike manage it.

The fact did not occur to me that I was a mere boy and he a muscular

man, for I'm afraid I had plenty of conceit, and, drawing in a long

breath, I lifted the ladder straight up easily enough, took a couple of

steps in the right direction, and then felt to my horror that the

strength of my arms was as nothing as soon as the balance ceased to be

preserved, for in spite of my efforts the top of the ladder began to go

over slowly, then faster and faster, then there was a sharp whishing

crash as the bough of a pear-tree was literally cut off and a bump and a

sharp crack.

The top of the ladder had struck the ground, breaking several feet right

off, and I was clinging to the bottom.

One minute I was happy and in the highest of spirits; now I was plunged

into a state of hopeless despair as I wondered what Old Brownsmith would

say, and how much it would cost to repair that ladder.

I was so prostrated by my accident that for a minute or so I stood

holding on to the broken ladder, ruefully gazing at my work, and once I

actually found myself looking towards the wall where the trained

plum-trees formed a ladder easy of ascent for Shock, and just as easy

for me to get over and run for it--anywhere so as not to have to meet

Old Brownsmith after destroying his property.

"Well, you've been and gone and done it now, young 'un, and no mistake,"

said a gruff voice; and I found that Ike had come softly up behind me.

"I thought it was you tumbling and breaking of yourself again; but the

ladder. Oh my!"

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