The opera-glass was very useful to me, especially as the boy fascinated

me so, for I used to watch him with it till I knew that he had two brass

shank-buttons and three four-holes of bone on his jacket, that there

were no buttons at all on his shirt, and that he had blue eyes, a

snub-nose, and had lost one of his top front teeth.

I must have been quite as great an attraction to him as he was to me,

but he showed it in a very different way. There would be threatening

movements made with his fists. After an hour's hard work at weeding,

without paying the slightest heed to my presence, he would suddenly jump

up as if resenting my watching, catch up the basket, and make believe to


hurl it at me. Perhaps he would pick up a great clod and pretend to

throw that, but let it fall beside him; while one day, when I went to

the window and looked out, I found him with a good-sized switch which

had been the young shoot of a pear tree, and a lump of something of a

yellowish brown tucked in the fork of a tree close by where he worked.

He had a basket by his side and was busily engaged as usual weeding, for

there was a great battle for ever going on in that garden, where the

weeds were always trying to master the flowers and vegetables, and that

boy's duty seemed to be to tear up weeds by the roots, and nothing else.

But there by his side stuck in the ground was the switch, and as soon as

he saw me at the window he gave a look round to see if he was watched,

and then picked up the stick.

"I wonder what he is going to do!" I thought, as I twisted the glass a

little and had a good look.

He was so near that the glass was not necessary, but I saw through it

that he pinched off a bit of the yellowish-brown stuff, which was

evidently clay, and, after rolling it between his hands, he stuck what

seemed to be a bit as big as a large taw marble on the end of the

switch, gave it a flourish, and the bit of clay flew off.

I could not see where it went, but I saw him watching it, as he quickly

took another piece, kneaded it, and with another flourish away that


That bit evidently went over our house; and the next time he

tried--flap! the piece struck the wall somewhere under the window.

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