The plumber came and repaired the pump next day, going down the well

with a couple of men to hold the rope he had round his waist, and I

heard Mr Solomon grumbling and laughing a good deal about the care he

was taking.

"If he does meet with an accident, Grant," he said, "it won't be his

fault this time. Why, you look poorly, my lad. Don't you feel well?"

"I don't indeed, sir," I said; "my head swims, and things look strange

about me."

"Ah! yes," he said. "Well, look here; you have a good idle for a day or



"But there are so many things want doing in the houses, sir," I said.

"And always will be, Grant. Gardeners are never done. But let that

slide. I can get on without you for a day or two."

"Have you heard how Mr Courtenay is?" I asked.

"Yes, ever so much better, young whelp! Sir Francis has been giving his

brother a tremendous setting down, I hear; and I think they are going to

school or somewhere else at once."

That day, as I was wandering about the kitchen-garden after a chat with

Ike, who had settled down to his work just as if he belonged to the

place, and after I had tried to have a few words with Shock, who puzzled

me more than ever, for he always seemed to hate me, and yet he had

followed me here, I heard some one shout, "Hi! halt!"

I turned and saw Sir Francis beckoning to me, and I went up to him.

"Better? Yes, of course. Boys always get better," he said. "Look

here. Behaved very well yesterday. Go on. I've said a word to

Brownsmith about you; but, look here: don't you tease my lads. Boys

will be boys, I know; but they are not in your station of life, and you

must not try to make companions of them."

I made no answer: I could not, I was so taken aback by his words; and by

the time I had thought of saying that I had never teased either

Courtenay or Philip, and that I had always tried to avoid them, he was a

hundred yards away.

"They must have been telling lies about me," I said angrily; and I

walked on to where Ike was digging, to talk to him about it and ask his

advice as to whether I should go and tell Sir Francis everything.

"No," he said, stopping to scrape his spade when I had done. "I

shouldn't. It's kicks, that's what it is, and we all gets kicked more

or less through life, my boy; but what of it? He wouldn't think no

better of you for going and telling tales. Let him find it out. Sure

to, some day. Feel badly?"

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