"Dirty young vagabonds!" I said to myself, and I looked at them

contemptuously with as much effect as if I had directed my severe looks

at a market basket; and then I went and leaned against the end of the

cart, determined to take no notice of them, and wishing that Ike would

come back.

The young rascals only grew more impudent though, and came nearer, two

in particular, and one of them, quite a little fellow with a big head

and two small dark shiny eyes, over which his shock head of hair kept

falling, ran right in, making charges at me, and striking at me with a

muddy little fist, while his companion made pokes with a stick.


This was getting beyond bearing, for I was not a wild beast in a cage

unable to get away; but still I determined not to be led into any

disgraceful struggle with the dirty little blackguards.

I was not afraid of them, for I was too angry for that, and nothing

would have given me greater satisfaction than to have come to blows.

But that would not do, I knew.

I glanced round and saw that there were plenty of people about, but they

were all too busy with their own affairs to take much notice of me, so

that if I wanted to free myself from the pack of young ruffians I must

act for myself.

The attack went on, and I should have fared worse, only that it soon

became evident that ammunition was running short; and failing this, the

boys began to throw words, while the two most daring kept making rushes

at me and then shrank back ready to throw themselves down if I should

strike at them.

All at once I thought of Ike's great cart-whip, and in the full

confidence that I could make it crack as loudly and as well as its

master I determined to give it a good whish or two in the air.

It was stuck high up in one of the staples in the front of the cart,

and, determined to climb up and reach it down, I turned and raised one

foot to a spoke of the great wheel, when the two foremost boys uttered a

yell and made a furious onslaught upon me.

They were too late, for in an instant I had seen the object of their

advance. There was no doubt about it. They were keeping my attention

from what was going on upon the other side, where one of their

companions had been stealing along under cover of some baskets, and was

just in the act of untying one of the coils of nearly new rope, which

had not been required and hung from the ladder.

The young thief had that moment finished, and slipped his arm through,

catching sight of me at the same time, and darting off.

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