I was close to pissing my pants and their hatred wasn’t directed at me.

Beth sighed as she locked elbows with both of her cousins. “Come on. This is stupid. If they find out where we’re going, they’re going to find out. Let’s go.”

“No way.” Hannah dug her feet in.


She swept a hand to the girls. “I’m supporting my sister. I’m trying a new leaf too. Join, not judge. I’m a supportive sister.”

Beth’s eyebrows shot up. I frowned. Hannah’s mouth dropped. “You’re doing what?” But she didn’t wait. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her sister’s arm. “Let’s go. I’ll text everyone directions from the car. No way are these two riding coattails.”

The one harrumphed. The second one’s teeth started chattering. She was still holding her breath.

Everyone separated into cars. Beth and Hannah rode with Jesse and me. Cord, Cord’s date went with Jamie and Tiffany. Derek and Kara took their own vehicle. When we got into the vehicles, the two girls from my floor hurried into their own car.

“I should slice their tires,” Hannah grumbled.

“Don’t. You’ll get into more trouble.”

She shot her cousin a glare and stuck her bottom lip out. “Whatever. Jesse, go fast. Those two pariahs are going to tell everyone where you’re at.”


“No, they won’t,” Beth corrected her. “They want him to themselves. They won’t tell a soul.”

After we got directions to The Jukebox, Jesse grinned when he pulled into the parking lot. There was a line outside of the single door to a small dive bar. Three giant-sized security guards were in front checking drivers’ licenses.

“Nice one, Hannah,” Beth griped. “They’re checking IDs; no one in this car is twenty-one.”

“Shut up. I’ll call Emerson. He’s in the band. I’m sure he can get us in.”

“Wait.” Jesse twisted around. “You said Emerson?”

She nodded, holding her breath at suddenly being Jesse’s sole focus. “Uh, yeah. He’s my boyfriend.”

“Around five foot ten?”

She nodded, still holding her breath.


Another nod.

“Scar across his face?”

Once again.

Jesse grinned. “Attitude up his ass?”

“You know him.” She didn’t look happy about that.

“Yeah. We’ll get in just fine.” Then he got out of the car and made a phone call. A minute later, a girl opened a back door. It’d been overlooked since it was hidden behind two large dumpsters. She waved at Jesse, who gestured back.

As I got out of the car, I knew that girl. She was the same stunner from The Shack. Black hair, black eyes, and a body that I knew every guy wanted. I tugged on Jesse’s sleeve. “Isn’t that…what’s her name?”

“Bri.” As the group walked over, he flashed her a grin. “Hey, Bri. The guys are playing tonight?”

She rolled her eyes and swiped back some of her hair. Tiffany instantly lifted her top lip in a faint snarl. Hannah was all smiles, wiggling her fingers at the girl. Eyeing Hannah cautiously, recognition flared in her depths when she switched to me. “Hi. You’re…”

“Alex. From the—”

“Yeah,” she cut me off, skirting a nervous glance to the others. “I remember. Luke texted you, Jesse?”

“Nope. Not this time.” He gestured to Hannah, who linked elbows with me. “She’s a friend of Alex’s. I believe she’s dating your cousin.”

“Yeah.” No warmth traveled to her gaze as she lingered on our linked arms. “That’s too bad.”

Beth started laughing. Hannah stiffened and Jamie snorted. “Even she knows you’re a whore, Hannah.”

Before she could twist around and slap him, I tugged Hannah with me into the overcrowded bar. As we passed by Bri, who was holding the door for us, I murmured, “Thanks for letting us in like this.”

She shrugged. “Luke really likes Jesse. It’s no problem.” After everyone was inside, she shoved through the crowd back to our side. “Just don’t get in trouble since you’re underage and don’t—”

But whatever else she was going to say was cut off. A guy from the bar shouted her name, “Brielle! Help please!”

She groaned. “I have to go. If you need drinks, come to the edge of the bar. Only you two.” She pointed to Jesse and me. “I only like you two. Gotta go.”

And just like that, she was swallowed up by the crowd. Expecting her to emerge from behind the bar, I was surprised when she merely climbed on top of a barstool. A large muscular guy from behind the counter lifted her over the bar and sat her down beside him. He ruffled her hair, which she slapped away and then she started filling orders right away.

Jamie sidled up next to Jesse. “Holy shit! That’s Braille on stage.”

Tiffany stood next to him. She was captivated by something beside the stage. I followed her gaze and saw Hannah had already taken root there. Beth was next to her, biting her lip, and casting wary looks at the crowd behind them. More than a few scantily clad girls were pushing forward for a better spot.

“Oh my god,” Tiffany groaned. “She’s dating a rockstar? Those guys are the worst guys to date.”

Her boyfriend threw his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. He shrugged. “They’re a match made in heaven. Hannah doesn’t stick with the same guy two nights in a row and my guess he doesn’t keep the same girl long. I heard they’re all manwhores in the band.”

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