Bressant knew not how best to combat his novel difficulty. Although

called into existence by an extraneous circumstance, it seemed to have

struck root in every faculty of his mind, and, what was more, into the

inmost core of every faculty. He was possessed, not by seven devils, but

by one devil in seven different forms. He felt that the only thing to be

done, if he did not intend to make an entire surrender of himself, was

to take stern and rigorous measures for deliverance. The best course

that suggested itself was to study his sevenfold devil down; taking

every precaution, of course, to keep out of the way of all additional

contamination; and this course he adopted, and had conscientiously


adhered to. It was with very pardonable satisfaction that he felt his

malady gradually and surely give way before his unsparing regimen, until

by the first of July he considered himself entirely whole and in working

order, and beyond danger of relapse.

He sometimes wondered why the professor persisted in inviting him to

take dinner, or stay to tea, or sit on the balcony in the evening, or go

on a picnic into the woods. Why couldn't the old gentleman divine the

cause of his invariable and unhesitating refusals? Leaving other

considerations out of the question, would such things be likely to

increase his knowledge of theology, or further the lofty schemes of his

ambition? He would be glad when that daughter left the house! What was

it about her that had so disturbed and beclouded the heretofore

untroubled stream? Were other women like her, or was she alone in her

dangerous capacity? If the first, with what assurance could he look

forward to the intellectual mastery of the world! If the last, what a

refinement of misfortune to have been so thrown with her! What if he

should give up Professor Valeyon altogether? No, no! if he could not

conquer his destiny here, he could not be sure of doing it anywhere. Let

him only be self-controlled and prudent--keep carefully and

systematically out of the woman's way. Or perhaps--for it was not

gratifying or dignified thus to live in terror of a minister's

daughter--perhaps he might ultimately learn to associate and hold

intercourse with her, unharmed. That would be a triumph worth striving

for! Indeed, how could he feel secure until it had been won? Again, did

there at present exist any such risk as he had brought himself to

imagine? Was not this first ordeal, and its effects, all that was to be

apprehended? What if all his anxiety, and self-control, and prudence,

had been wasting themselves upon nothing? Would it not be worth while to

try the experiment? to prove whether he was still liable to this strange

witchery and enchantment? even if so it should turn out, it was still

well that the point should be settled once for all. Decided, then, that

he should take the first opportunity to put himself to the test.

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