"Oh! I don't like him at all!" exclaimed Cornelia, shuddering again.

Lest she should be suspected of a wilful misstatement, it may be as

well to show how it might happen that she should deceive herself in the

matter. Such likes and dislikes as she had heretofore felt could one and

all have been paraphrased as a more or less agreeable state of mind,

induced by the sight or thought of such and such an individual. She had

never conceived the possibility that a vital affection could take its

origin in aversion and fear, and grow strong through turmoil, passion,

and suffering. As a matter of course, she estimated her feeling toward

Bressant by the only gauge she had, and with no reference to the fact


that it was a wholly inadequate one.

The majority of the impressions she had received of him could not

certainly be called pleasant; and that he was continually in her

thoughts; that every thing she heard or saw connected itself, in one way

or another, with him; that he bore a possible part in many of her

imaginations of the future--these were factors she did not take into

account, because ignorant of their significance. The conclusion that she

did not like him was therefore a legitimate one, according to the light

she had.

Whatever Sophie may have thought of Cornelia's answer, she said no more,

but lay in reverie, opening and shutting her scissors in an objectless

manner, until Cornelia's voice flowed forth again.

"Isn't it a pity he wasn't a nice, jolly, society fellow? it would have

been such fun this winter! As it is, I don't suppose we shall be able to

do so much even as if we were alone."

"From something papa said the other day, I think he'd like to try and

make Mr. Bressant more of a society fellow; perhaps it would wear away

that coldness and hardness you speak of."

"What I teach him the arts and pleasures of fashionable life?" exclaimed

Cornelia, laughing. "Dear me! I'd no more think of trying to teach that

great big thing any thing than--any thing!"

"But you can make him go to Abbie's party, if you are to be there

yourself, and then, if you don't want to instruct him, you can give him

to some one who isn't afraid of him, and--have Bill Reynolds all to


Cornelia laughed and pouted, and told Sophie she was mean; but probably

felt it a relief to have poor Bill's name introduced, he being so

palpably hors de combat.

"It would be pretty good fun, after all--walking round on the arm of

that great, tall, broad-shouldered creature, and telling him how to

behave! I believe I will try it!" and she straightened herself up with

a very valiant air.

"It will be your last chance, remember!" said Sophie, looking up with a

deep smile in her eyes. "I promised papa that when I was well I'd take

charge of Mr. Bressant myself!"

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