At this moment, however, they arrived at the fountain, and stood

silently contemplating its weak, persistent struggles. The heavy rain

had not raised its spirits a whit; but neither had it lessened its sense

of duty to be performed. It labored just as hard if not harder than


Presently Bressant walked round to the opposite side of the basin, shook

himself and stamped his feet, like one overcoming a feeling of

drowsiness, and then, stooping down, put his hand in the water and

brought some up to his forehead. It passed through Cornelia's mind that

she had read in her "Natural Philosophy," at school, that water was a


good conductor of electricity, but she could not establish any clear

connection between her remembrance of this fact and Bressant's action.

The results of thoughts often present themselves to us when the

processes remain invisible.

"What an absurd little fountain!" observed he, coming round again to

Cornelia, and looking down upon her with a smile that seemed to call for

a responsive one from her. "What is the use of it?"

"Oh, we're used to it, you know; and then that little sound it makes is

pleasant to listen to."

"Is it?" said Bressant, apparently struck by the idea. "I should like to

hear it. 'A pleasant sound!' I never thought of a sound being pleasant."

"Poor fellow!" thought Cornelia again, with a strong impulse of

compassion and kindliness. "What a dreary life, not even to know that

sounds were beautiful! I suppose all the voices he hears must be harsh

and unnatural, and those are the only kinds of sounds he would attend

to." Looking at him from this new point of view, the feeling of mistrust

and uncertainty of a few minutes before was forgotten. Standing near the

margin of the basin was a rustic bench fantastically made of curved and

knotted branches, the back and arms contrived in rude scroll-work, and

the seat made of round transverse pieces, through whose interstices the

rain-water had passed, leaving it comparatively dry. Cornelia sat down

upon it and motioned Bressant to take his place by her side. As he did

so, she could not help a slight thrill of dismay. He was so very big,

and took up so much room!

Bressant sat looking straight before him, and said nothing. Stealing a

side-glance at him, Cornelia was possessed by an absurd fancy that he

was alarmed at his position. The idea of being able to scare such a

giant excited the young lady's risibilities so powerfully that she could

not contain herself, but, to her great horror, broke suddenly forth into

a warbling ecstasy of laughter. Bressant looked around, in great

surprise. It was an occasion for presence of mind. Something must be

done at once.

"Hush! hold perfectly still! It was so absurd to see you sitting there,

and not knowing! There--now--still!" Spat!

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