There could not have been a better night for sleighing. The temperature

had risen considerably since the storm, and the snow, which had fallen

to the depth of a foot, was already packed down hard upon the road, so

that the runners seldom sank beneath the surface. Moreover, there was a

full moon, just pushing its deep orange circumference above the horizon.

It had chanced to come up just where a black skeleton forest stood out

against the sky, encouraging the fancy that it had somehow got entangled

in the branches, and had grown red in the face from struggling to get

out. But, ere the young people reached the scene of the entertainment,

the struggle was over; the perfect circle was calmly and radiantly


uplifting itself above the world, far beyond the reach of the

outstretched arms of the gnarled and black-limbed forest; yet did the

dark earth benefit by its defeat, in the chaste illumination which

descended upon its wintry countenance.

Mr. Reynolds was perfectly happy; it is pleasant to reflect how small an

amount of bliss can overflow some souls. Cornelia was brief but kind in

her answers to his turbid and confused pourings forth; not that she paid

heed to any thing the poor fellow said--she was only occasionally aware

of his presence. Her mind was revelling in dreams of heated and exalted

imagination; she was filled with inspiration, as with the rich,

palpitating blast of a mighty organ; but the tumultuous chorus of her

thoughts produced upon her an effect of magnetism which found its

expression in a gentle graciousness of words and manner.

She had made up her mind that the first person she should meet would be

Bressant; and, so full did she feel of victorious power, it seemed as

if, with scarcely a conscious effort, she could overbear and bring him

to her feet. Yes, and dictate the terms upon which she would consent to

receive his homage. What a pity that the key-notes of so few natures

correspond, at the critical moment, with our own; and that Providence

sees fit to forward, by even negative help, so small a proportion of our

superbly-conceived plans!

It was half-past eight when they drew up at the boarding-house door. No

sooner had Cornelia set foot within the threshold, and caught sight of

Abbie's face, than it was borne in upon her that Bressant was not there;

and the former, after questioning her about Sophie's non-appearance,

confirmed her fear. He had not come, nor was it now probable that he

would arrive before morning. It would have been useless to expect him by

the late train, due at half-past ten, since, to avail himself of that,

it would be necessary to make a difficult connection by walking two or

three miles from one railway to another.

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