When Cornelia left her father on the balcony, she danced up-stairs, and

chasséed on tiptoe up to the door of Sophie's room. There she stopped

and knocked.

Somehow or other, nobody ever went into that room without knocking. It

never entered any one's head to burst in unannounced. The door was an

unimposing-looking piece of deal, grained by some village artist into

the portraiture of an as yet undiscovered kind of wood, and considerably

impaired in various ways by time. It could not have been the door,

therefore. Nor was the bolt ever drawn, save at certain hours of the

morning and night. Sophie was not an ogre, either. Cornelia, who was


very trying at times, would have found it hard to recall an occasion

when Sophie had answered or addressed her sharply or crossly. If she

exerted any influence, or wielded any power, it was not of the kind

which attends a violent or morose temper. But no vixen or shrew, how

terrible soever she may be, can hope at all times or from all people to

meet with respect or consideration; while to Sophie Valeyon the world

always put on its best face and manner, secretly wondering at itself the

while for being so well-behaved.

As to the affair of knocking, Sophie herself had never said a word about

it, one way or another. She always took it as a matter of course;

indeed, had she been loquacious on the subject, or insisted upon the

observance, Cornelia for one would have been very likely to laugh to

scorn and disregard her, therein acting upon a principle of her own,

which prompted her to measure her strength against any thing which

seemed to challenge her, and never to give up if she could help it. But

she had never had a trial of strength with Sophie, and possibly was

quite contented that it should be so. She would have shrunk from

thwarting or crossing her sister as she would from committing a secret

sin: there might be no material or visible ill-consequence, but the

stings of conscience would be all the sharper.

So Cornelia knocked and entered, and the quiet, cool room in which her

sister lay seemed to glow and become enlivened by the joyous reflection

of her presence. Yet the effect of the room upon Cornelia was at least

as marked. She hushed herself, as it were, and tried, half

unconsciously, to adapt herself to the tone of her surroundings; for,

although her physical nature was sound and healthy, almost to

boisterousness, her perceptions remained very keen and delicate, and

occasionally rallied her upon the redundancy of her animal well-being

with something like reproof.

It was singular, with how few and how simple means was created the

impression of purity and repose that this chamber produced! It brought

to mind the pearly interior of a shell, and a fanciful person might have

listened for the sea-music whispering through. The walls were papered

with pale gray, relieved by a light pink tracery, and the white-muslin

curtains were set off by a pink lining. A bunch of wild-flowers and

grasses, which Cornelia had gathered that morning, and Sophie had

arranged, stood on the mantel-piece. There were four or five

pictures--one, a bass-relief of Endymion, deep asleep, yet conscious in

his dream that the moon is peeping shyly over his polished shoulder, had

been copied from a famous original by Sophie herself. She had painted it

in a pale-brown mezzotint, which was like nothing in nature, but seemed

suitable of all others for the embodiment of the classic fable. This

picture hung over the mantel-piece. Opposite Sophie's bed was an

illumination of the Lord's Prayer, with clear gold lettering, and

capitals and border of celestial colors. The dressing-table was covered

with a white cloth, on which reposed a comb and brush and a pink

pin-cushion with a muslin cover, and over which hung a crayon of the

cherub of the Sistine Madonna, who leans his chin upon his hand.

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