Our shots arrived, and were set on the table between us, along with limes and salt. Montana squealed and clapped her hands together, sliding her butt forward till she was perched on the edge of her seat. She looked at me deviously, and held out the salt. "Body shot?"

I hesitated, only briefly. "Is there another way to do it?"

She whooped, gave me a high-five, then held out the salt. "I'll go first, where do you want it?" I tentatively pointed to my collarbone, and she rolled her eyes. "Come here." She pushed me back till I was lying on the plush chair. She ran her fingers suggestively over the top rim of my strapless mini, gliding her fingers gently underneath and I sucked in a breath, certain her fingers were going to brush the top of my ni**les. Ohmygod. She bit her bottom lip playfully and then pulled the center of my dress down, in between my small br**sts. She leaned over and licked the area, tickling it with her pink tongue, then sat up and sprinkled salt there, patting it with her fingers. She picked up a piece of lime and placed it in my mouth, running her fingers over my lips gently. I had never had any type of sexual experience with a woman, but felt like I was getting dangerously close to having one, and I wasn't exactly wanting to stop. I glanced around and saw several interested faces, men's eyes glued to our table. Knowing that I was being watched was a major turn-on, and I began to look forward to the show we were about to put on.

Montana came around till she stood at my head; she reached back and unclipped her bra, pulling it off, her br**sts bouncing down and hanging loose. She then leaned forward, her huge tits hanging in my face. I tilted my face up, her br**sts laying on my face - the skin incredibly soft *why doesn't my skin feel like that?* and felt her tongue lick the salt in the dip between my br**sts. She straightened abruptly, flipping her hair back and grabbed the shot, downing it quickly. She then bent back over, putting her mouth on mine and pulling on the lime gently till she had it in her mouth. She sucked it hard, then dropped it into the empty shot glance and bent back over. Catching me off guard she kissed me, tasting of lime, salt and my sophomore spring break in Cancun. I kissed her back, our tongues meeting softly, then with more confidence. It was the first time I had kissed a girl, and to quote Katy Perry "I liked it." She pulled off of me and offered her hand, pulling me upright. Her eyes danced with fun, and I caught her excitement.

"My turn," I said. "Where do you want it?"


Brad walked alone through the club. Dancers nodded and squeezed his arms as he passed but he didn't stop, his eyes scanning the crowd for Montana and Julia. He had taken longer with Alexis then he had intended, and didn't want Julia alone and pissed at the table. His eyes searched the crowd and finally stopped on the table that they had originally sat at. His lips set, he strode forward.

He had to push himself through the crowd that had gathered - a mixture of drunk executives and Abercrombie-attired college boys. Julia knelt on the round table that had previously housed their champagne flutes and ice bucket. Her strapless dress had been pulled down and her br**sts were exposed and alert. Montana had an ice cube in her mouth and was running her mouth over Julia's br**sts, making her ni**les stiff and pink. As he watched Julia leaned forward and placed her hands on Montana's br**sts, pushing them together and kissing her deeply. Jesus Christ. The girls separated, and he saw Montana reach for a salt pitcher, sprinkling Julia's ni**les with the salt and then licking and sucking one of them. She kissed Julia long and hard, both of their hands roaming. Julia and her grabbed shots of tequila and downed them. Holding up the glasses in celebration - the crowd cheered and started chanting. "Another! Another!" Where the f**k is Janine? Brad looked around, but didn't see her. Montana shouldn't be drinking, though he could probably see how this had happened, and cursed himself for taking too long with Alexis. He found a black-shirted security guard and yelled into his ear, trying to make himself heard over the crowd. "Did Montana get approval to drink?"

"Yeah. Janine gave her an hour of drinking, then said she'd need to go home - no working afterwards."

"Alright. Make sure the crowd stays under control, and doesn't mess with the girls."

"You got it boss. Ricky's keeping an eye from the other side. Right now everyone's behaving."


Brad looked back to the two girls. Montana was pulling Julia's dress over her head, exposing her tanned, toned stomach and a pair of lace thongs that left nothing to the imagination.

"Want me to get you in there boss? I can move these guys outta the way."

"No. Let them play. I'll watch from the upper level. Montana knows the rules." He turned and moved quietly through the crowd, turning at a black-painted door, and opening it, climbing a flight of stairs and coming out on what they considered the VIP level. He walked about halfway down and then sat in a chair. The tables up here were in private alcoves, and he felt as alone as he could feel in the packed club at 1am. He pulled out his cell and called the line for HQ.

"Yes, Mr. D." a calm, nasally voice came over the line. Brad smiled to himself. Safirre's HQ. Where horny nerds came to die.

"Yes, I'm in VIP section…" he craned around to see the number discreetly painted on the wall, high up, out of normal view. "Section 8. I'm gonna kill power to this cam. Didn't want you to be alarmed."

"Understood, Mr. D. We can kill power here if you want?"

"No, I'll do it. That way you'll know when I'm done."

"Sounds good, Mr. D. Is there a party planned for later?"

"Not tonight. Make sure everyone knows."

"Will do. Thanks Boss."

Brad stood, moved the chair over to the wall, and stood on it. He reached in his pocket for his key ring, shuffled through till he found the security master, and stuck it into the wall, turning the cam switch to the "off" position. He sat back down and watched the action below. Julia was now straddling Montana; they were kissing passionately, their hands traveling everywhere.


Montana lifted her mouth off my neck, her eyes flashing. I grinned down at her, my hands on her large br**sts. I had never held another women's boobs before. My br**sts were small, barely B cups, but Montana's were huge - and natural, I assumed. The skin on them was so incredible soft, and they were heavy in my hands. Her ni**les were light pink, like mine, and I touched them how I like mine touched - softly.

The cries of the men surrounding us energized me. That, and the three - or was it four - shots of tequila we had taken. At times the room spun, and I'd focus on Montana's face to bring it still. She was like a beautiful exotic flower - all the best things about being a girl - soft skin, long hair, and yummy scents. I could understand why men went to strip clubs. It was like having the most popular girl at school being your best friend for the hour.

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