Artemis stared at him, her lips trembling.

“Now tell me where the dick is so that I can kill him!”

“I-I don’t know where he is. I can’t feel him right now.”

Fury blasted through him.

“But…I sense her.”

He stilled, desperate hope filling him. “Terese?”

She nodded.

“Then she’s still alive.” Thank Zeus. He’d go after her, bring her back, make certain she was safe and—

“For the moment,” his sister whispered sadly.

* * *

When Terese opened her eyes, every part of her body ached.


She’d fought with Eric. She’d clawed. She’d bit. She’d kicked.

But, in the end, she’d been no match for him.

Apollo. She hated to think of Apollo going back to the cabin and finding the destruction that had been left behind.

He’d tried so hard to protect her, but Eric had still taken her away.

And, now—now he was going to kill her.

“Hello, again,” Eric’s taunting voice floated from the darkness. “I see you’re back with me.”

Terese tried to rise, tried to jerk up and run—

But she couldn’t move. Her wrists were chained, stretched out high above her head. And her legs were manacled, spread-eagled on the ground and locked to thick stone chains that had been driven deep into the earth.

Eric’s face appeared before her. His pale, handsome face. The face of an angel, cloaking the devil. “Terese, it seems I’ve finally got you where I want you.”

No, no—

His claws stroked her cheek. Slid down and scraped her throat. “Guess what’s going to happen to you, sweet Terese?”

Bile rose in her throat. She couldn’t stand for him to touch her. Could. Not. Stand. It.

And she was naked. He’d stripped the robe from her at the cabin and left it behind for Apollo. “So he’d know I have his whore.”

“After I first gifted you…”

Gifted her? “You mean when you cursed me,” she snarled, her wrists straining against the chains.

The tips of his claws bit into her skin. She felt blood trickle down her neck.

“After I gifted you, all you could talk about was seeing the sun again. How you wanted to walk in the daylight, wanted to feel the warmth on your skin.”

Yes, yes, she’d talked about the sun. She’d cried. Begged to see it again.

But Eric had told her the sun would be her death, and she’d soon learned that he was right. The touch of sunlight on her flesh was a burning agony. No longer the sweet, soothing glow she remembered as a human.

“I’ve decided to grant your wish, my Terese.” His breath, cold, rancid, blew across her cheek. “You want the sun, so I’m going to give it to you.”

Oh, no. Horror filled her. “You can’t—”

His teeth sank into her throat, ripping, tearing.

She screamed and struggled to get away from him. Twisting, squirming—

But she couldn’t get away. The chains held her prisoner. Held her trapped between his piercing fangs and the hard ground.

* * *

The night was ebbing. Apollo had been searching for Terese for hours, but he still hadn’t found her. Soon, very soon, dawn would arrive.

Artemis had told him that Eric had taken Terese back to Louisiana, but she couldn’t tell him exactly where in Louisiana the bastard was.

He turned on her, body tense with fury and fear. “I need more, Artemis.” He’d gone to Baton Rouge, thinking that maybe Eric had returned to Terese’s home. But he’d searched and searched, and he still couldn’t sense her.

And his sister couldn’t hone in on the vampire.

Tears spilled down her cheeks. “I-I’m sorry, I can’t—”

The sky lightened. A pink hue appeared on the horizon.


* * *

She couldn’t move.

Terese lay on the ground as blood trickled from her throat. Her hands were limp in the chains.

He’d nearly drained her dry.

Eric laughed, the grating sound far too close for her comfort. “My poor Terese. So weak, so ready for death.”

No, no she wasn’t ready. She tried to gather her strength—

But found she had none.

Her lashes began to droop.

The sun was coming. She could feel it. She seemed to always feel it these days.

“Ah…and now for your wish.”

Her wish? Right then, she just wished he’d die. The sick, psychotic—

“The sun’s rising. Soon, you’ll feel it’s warmth on your flesh, right before it melts that flesh from your bones.” He bent toward her and pressed a light kiss against her dry lips. She tasted her own blood as he whispered, “Goodbye.”

Then he vanished, and the sun began to rise.

* * *

Apollo stared at the rising sun, his heart racing.

Where was Terese?

Not in the light, just not in the light—

Artemis cried out, “He just jumped! I felt him!” Excitement lit her eyes. “I’ve got him now.”

He took her hand, held on tight, and ordered, “Take me to him.” To Terese.

The air shimmered, the wind howled, and they disappeared.

* * *

Eric climbed down the steps leading to the basement in his manor. A faint smile curved his lips, and drying blood coated his chin.

Apollo waited until the bastard took that last step, waited until he was right in front of him—

Then he leapt forward, punching the vampire with all his might, sending him flying back across the room.

Eric crashed into the stone wall, a startled grunt emerging from his lips. But then he rose, dusted off his clothes, and flashed his twisted, evil smile. “I was wondering when you would show up,” he said, tilting his head. “Oh, and you brought company.” He licked his lips as he eyed Artemis. “You look…familiar to me. Have I dined on you before?”

She lunged toward him, but Apollo hauled her back. “He’s mine.”

The vampire smirked.

Apollo stalked toward him. “Where’s Terese?” He’d already scanned the manor. There was no sign of her.

“Terese?” Eric’s eyes widened and he made a faint humming sound. “Oh, poor Terese…”

“Where is she?” His power swirled within him, desperate to be unleashed.

Eric took one slow, gliding step toward him. “Right now, I’d imagine she’s in hell. Burning, slowly, in hell.”

“What?” A terrible, dark fear filled him. Burning…No, no, not Terese—

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