“Is that a blush?” he murmured at her ear.

She lifted her chin. “What if it is?”

“Then I’ll take it as a compliment. And as an invitation to do it again.”

A knock at the door and the rattling of the doorknob made her whirl her head toward it.

“Blake?” It was Wesley’s voice coming through the door.

“What do you want?” Blake responded, rising from the bed.

“Why’s the fucking door locked? Open up, I’ve gotta talk to you. It’s important!”

“Give me a minute.” Blake tossed her an apologetic look. “Sorry, baby.” He walked to the wall next to the Murphy bed and pressed against it. A door that had looked like a panel opened up. “It’s just a tiny bathroom, but you can get dressed in here while I see what Wes wants.”

Stunned, she rose and looked into the small room. “You’re full of surprises.”

He shrugged. “Rose’s idea. She grew up in the Regency period, and they had secret panels that led into hidden rooms all the time. She figured it would be nice to have a place to freshen up when I sleep here on occasion.”

“What’s taking you so long?” Wes grunted outside the door and banged against it once more.


Blake grimaced. “I’d better talk to him before he flips.” He paused. “Oh, and come out when you’re done. I have no intention of hiding you in the closet.”

She snatched her clothes from the floor and slunk into the bathroom, pulling the door shut behind her. She only took a few minutes to clean up and get dressed. She’d never been one to spend a long time getting ready. Besides, she was curious about Wesley’s important news.

When she opened the door and stepped back into Blake’s office, he and Wesley were bending over his desk, a large, old book open before them. Wes looked up and spotted her. He didn’t appear to be surprised at seeing her. From the corner of her eye she saw that the Murphy bed was back inside the wall, and that fact made her relax.

“Hey, Lilo.”

“Hi, Wesley. Any news?”


“Go on,” Blake encouraged him. “You were saying…”

“So when I reached the shack that I’d chased him to, he suddenly materialized. I knew he wasn’t a vampire, but he was preternatural. I just couldn’t tell what he was. He told me to destroy the drugs because they’d only play into the demons’ hands. You can imagine how stunned I was. But I had no time to question him. Suddenly that boulder just moved in front of him and he disappeared.”

“What boulder?”

“Some massive stone. And this—” He pointed to something in the book. “—was carved in it. I’m telling you it was a portal. Some sort of transportation system. Here, Francine writes about it, too.”

Curious, Lilo joined them at the desk, moving next to Blake. He made space so she could look at the book, simultaneously snaking one arm around her waist.

The book looked like it had been published in Gutenberg’s time. Printed on a page headed Stealth Guardians, was a drawing of a dagger.

“Stealth Guardians? What are those?” she asked.

Wes glanced at her. “That’s what we’re trying to figure out. We’ve never encountered them before.”

“Do you think they have something to do with Ronny and his friends?”

“No,” Blake answered firmly. “If they were in league with Norwood and his guys, they wouldn’t have asked Wesley to destroy the drug.” He looked at Wes. “You’re sure you heard right?”

“I might not have a vampire’s sensitive hearing, but I’m not deaf, man.”

Lilo looked up at him, surprised and confused. “But why don’t you have a vampire’s sensitive hearing? Don’t all vampires have that?”

Wes chuckled. “Oh they do. But I’m not a vampire.”

“You’re not? But I thought—”

Wes looked at Blake. “You didn’t tell her? I thought you had no secrets from her.”

Blake pulled her closer to him. “I don’t. But there was a lot to fill Lilo in on. And I’m afraid you weren’t that high on my priority list.”

“I guess I’ll have to remember that the next time you want a favor.”

“So what are you then?” Lilo interrupted, too curious to wait another second.

“I’m a witch, of course.” There was pride in his voice. “One of the best.”

She had no words. But was it really so far fetched? If vampires existed, why not witches, werewolves, and gargoyles? Why not demons and angels?

“A witch,” she murmured to herself, then shrugged. “What else is new?”

“Well, a little more awe would have been nice,” Wes said dryly. “But maybe I’m asking too much.”

“I didn’t meant to—”

Blake squeezed her to him. “Don’t pander to him, Lilo. He’s just fishing for compliments.” Then he tipped his chin in Wesley’s direction. “I’m not sure what you want to do with this information, Wes, but I don’t think it’s gonna help us rescue Hannah.”

“I realize that. But these guys, these Stealth Guardians, they have powers we don’t. They can make themselves invisible and walk through walls.”

At Wesley’s revelation, her chin dropped.

“I figured,” Wes continued, “considering they seemed to be on our side concerning the drugs, we could make them our allies. With their powers—”

“How would you even find them?” Blake shook his head. “We don’t have the time or resources to spend on this right now.”

“But it might help us.”

“It might, but what if it doesn’t? We don’t know who these guardians are. We don’t know their agenda, or whether they’re friendly to vampires. You were the only one they met. And you’re a witch. What if they’re not that peaceful when it comes to vampires?” Blake shook his head again. “With Hannah still in Norwood’s hands, I’m not going to risk a distraction or accidently start a war with a species we know nothing about.”

“I don’t need any backup. I can do this on my own. Nobody from Scanguards would be pulled off his duty to search for Stealth Guardians.”

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