“I like the way you think.”

Lilo moved her finger closer, and he remained entirely motionless. The pad of her finger brushed his lower lip, before she ran it over his teeth, sliding back until she reached his fang. At the contact, a jolt went through him, and he thrust his cock deep into her, moaning out loud.

Her finger slipped off his fang, but got caught at his tip. He felt it pierce her skin.

“Oh!” she let out on a stunned exhale.

The scent of blood rose into his nostrils, and made his entire body stiffen. “Fuck, Lilo!” He knew it had been a bad idea to let her touch him there. Because he now couldn’t resist anymore. His tongue lapped out and licked the drop of blood off the pad of her finger, closing the tiny incision instantly.

As the blood moved past his taste buds on the back of his tongue and then down his throat, he growled. Automatically, his hips began to move in a tempo he had no control over. Hard and fast, he began to fuck her, to drive his relentless cock in and out of her, while he tried to hold on to the last vestiges of his control.

Beneath him, Lilo moaned despite the rough treatment he was dealing her. She slid her hand onto his nape and pulled him to her, pressing her lips to his, even though his fangs were fully extended. Was she not afraid that he’d hurt her?

He tried to pull back, but already, she’d dipped her tongue between his lips and was running it along his teeth. When the smooth surface of her warm tongue connected with one of his fangs, he gave himself over to the pleasure Lilo was granting him and didn’t fight it any longer.

His balls tightened, and hot semen shot through the length of his cock, exploding from the tip. But it didn’t slow his thrusts. He continued to plunge into her until, finally, he felt her shudder beneath him, her interior muscles gripping him like a tight fist and squeezing him.

He retracted his fangs and took over the kiss, pouring his soul into it, until they were both breathless.



Blake rolled onto his back and immediately pulled Lilo halfway onto his body, loving the feeling of her weight on him, one leg draped over his groin, one hand on his chest, while her head rested on his shoulder. For a few moments, all he could do was catch his breath. Lilo, too, was breathing hard.

He pressed a kiss on the top of her head. “I can’t even tell you what it means to me to have you in my bed.”

She lifted her head and looked at him.

“To know you’ve accepted me for what I am.” He locked eyes with her. “To feel you lick my fangs. I never dared hope for this much.”

Lilo gently ran her finger over his lips. “I’ve never seen anything more erotic than when you showed me your fangs and let me touch them.”

His heart thundered at the revelation. “You weren’t afraid.”

“You said you wouldn’t hurt me.”

“You trust me despite everything that happened.” He could hardly believe it. But he saw it in her eyes. Lilo had faith in him.

He took hold of her finger and kissed it. “I’m sorry about pricking you with my fang.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” Lilo looked away. “Did you like it?”

“Your blood?”

She nodded.

“How could I not? Lilo, you have no idea what it’s like. My sense of smell is so hypersensitive that even now I can smell your blood. And you know what that does to me?”

She lifted her eyes back to meet his gaze. “What does it do?”

He took her hand and guided it to his groin, where he placed it over his hardening cock. “That’s what it does.”

Her chin dropped. “How can you already be hard again?”

He chuckled. “Because of you. That tiny drop of blood that I licked off your finger is making me want more. That’s why the vampire inside me is preparing for it, for you. The vampire inside me wants to seduce you with sex until you allow him to bite you.”

He knew he shouldn’t tell her this, but he was done hiding things from her. If he had any chance of winning her for good, he had to be honest about every aspect of himself. Winning her for good? The thought suddenly struck him. Did he truly want her in his life? When had he made that decision?

When she didn’t respond, he slid his hand under her chin and looked deep into her eyes. “I would never force you. I want you to know that. But you should know that every time we make love, my desire to drink your blood will grow.”

Understanding shone back in her eyes. “Is that why you think that Hannah let Ronny bite her?”

He stroked his hand over her head and drew her against his chest. “You said they’d been dating for at least six months. No vampire, no matter how civilized and tame, will stay with a woman for that length of time without biting her. With or without her permission. Though I doubt Hannah would have denied him. She knew what a vampire’s bite entailed, before she ever met Ronny.”

“Knew, how?”

“Because I bit her.”

Lilo shot up to a sitting position. “What?” Her eyes were wide with shock. “You and Hannah? You were lovers?”

At her appalled look, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Hannah and I?” He sat up and pulled Lilo to him, but she pushed him back. “Hannah and I were never lovers. We were never attracted to each other. Not for a single second.”

She frowned, obviously not believing him. “Then why?”

“You wouldn’t by any chance be jealous?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” she shot back.

But he knew he’d hit a nerve, and that fact made his heart beat out of control. Lilo had a fierce streak of possessiveness in her that he hadn’t expected. But he had no time to revel in it, because first he needed to calm her down and assure her that the bite had had nothing to do with sex.

“Hannah offered me her blood to save my life.”

~ ~ ~

Still skeptical, she searched his eyes. Was he telling the truth? And why should it matter that Blake had bitten her best friend? It was none of her business.

Oh please, just admit that you can’t stand the fact that he bit Hannah, but not you, the voice in her head said.

“I had an accident.” Blake’s words pierced her thoughts.

Slowly she nodded. “What happened?”

He reached for her then and pulled her onto his lap, so she was straddling him, before she could protest. Well, maybe she hadn’t wanted to protest because she liked the fact that he sought a physical connection to her.

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