"'Tis because no woman has ever touched my heart the way you have."

I melt. His grip tightens around me, his arousal growing hard against my belly. My pulse is flying, desire so hot within me, I'm about to spontaneously combust.

Attraction, need, and despair sizzle in the air between us. His eyes are almost white, a sign of the intensity of his emotion, one that terrifies me as much as it thrills me. It's more than physical attraction between us and probably always has been, even if I wasn't ready to admit it before.

He was made for me in every way, from the incredible, muscular frame to the way he sees through the barriers I like to keep between the world and me. The first to believe in me, the last to give up hope, his sexy-as-hell dominance is tempered by thoughtfulness, insight, and the ability to love something so much, he's fought to save it since he could lift a sword. Dedication has nothing on this man.

Almost since I've met him, I've wanted to know what it's like to be the woman his world revolves around. I've also feared knowing. He will tolerate no barriers, nothing less than absolute surrender, from the woman he turns his heart over to, and in exchange, he will love with all the ferocity of the fires of hell, hot enough to consume them both and the realm around them.

Do I really want that woman to be me? To surrender every part of me?

He's right. There's nothing between us now, not the war, not his betrothed. It took his world ending for us to arrive here. One night can never be enough.

I opened the door to my soul yesterday and refused him entrance. But if we've got less than twenty-four hours left, what's the harm in letting him in? In surrendering every part of me for one night in his muscular arms?

In taking the chance to live, feel, love, and be loved?

An eternity in darkness or one night with the light on?


"Yes," I whisper, the tears forming once again. "But only if you swear we'll try to find another way in the morning."

"Agreed. The morning is yours. The night is mine."

I nod. Am I really ready for this? For him?

"And I expect obedience in bed as well as on the battlefield, my queen," he says, a slow smile crossing his features. "Absolute obedience."

The hunger in his gaze makes my breath catch, his intensity already rocking my world before he's even kissed me.

Tonight is going to be something I never forget.

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