What happens if I don't help, and he fails? The idea I might be useless and trapped here, that my fate is tied to that of the Shadow Knight and his world, hits me harder than falling a hundred feet off a castle.

What if I never leave?

What if I do and abandon him and his world to die?

Understanding his motivation, I have to think he can't seriously be comfortable placing the fate of his kingdom on my shoulders after my performance in battle, and that there's got to be a better way that doesn't involve the deaths of so many.

The Shadow Knight is quiet. I'm afraid to know what he's thinking. He's watching me intently, maybe even waiting for me to magically morph into a battle-witch now that I know how important I am in the end game.

"Your army subdues the realm and I face the curse," I say aloud.

"Aye, since your battle magic leaves much to be desired. 'Tis the only explanation."

"I'm going to kill you all, aren't I?" I whisper. "Because I'm a terrible battle-witch?"

"Mayhap." The corner of his mouth is pulled up in a faint smile.

"I don't find this funny!"


"But you finally understand why you must fight as I do." He holds my gaze, green, blue, and purple sparkling deep within the dark depths. The strange sparkles are entrancing and I find myself staring too long.

With a shake of my head, I lean back against the stone wall behind me. "So even if I don't help you on the battlefield, I have to use magic to stop the curse as the final part of the legend."


"I'm not sure that's possible. Even if it is, I don't know how. I know this has a bunch of magic in it" - I lift the medallion and drop it - "but I don't know how to access it. Did any of the other battle-witches tell you how to use it?"

"My army is at battle now with Brown Sun Lake. 'Tis upon us only to break the curse." He shakes his head.

A trickle of relief hits me. If he's here, he can't be mortally wounded in the battle, as he was in the initial draft by LF.

"I have faith in my battle-witch," he adds.

"But you shouldn't!" I cry desperately. "You should be looking for another way. No one has ever believed in me, because I'm not worth believing in!" Upset at admitting the truth to the one man I'd really like not to think I'm worthless, I stand and start away.

God this place is so small! There's nowhere to hide and cry! Since arriving to Black Moon Draw, I've been off-balance, afraid to learn too much for fear of caring and winding up hurt, of throwing myself into this adventure fully. Afraid I do go home, and miserable life would be the same.

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