"I would take on any man who threatens what is mine," he replies firmly. "You all have done that." He's moved between the others and me, with Wolfie at his side.

I glance at my hand. To my surprise, there's writing, but it's a little too dim to read. I tilt it to catch some light from the torches around the Square Table and squint.

This is a trial.

"That's it? Some obscure Magic Eight ball fortune?" I mutter. "I really am a shitty battle-witch."

"What say you, witch?" the Shadow Knight calls to me.

"Don't drag me into a thousand-year old curse," I reply.

He eyes me over his shoulder. "How badly do I trounce these fools?"

"Well . . ." Everyone is waiting for my judgment. With a glance at my hand, I decide it's probably a good time to lie. "Very badly."

One of the men sheathes his sword, as if he's uninterested in being turned into Swiss cheese. Another one lowers his without putting it away. Pretty much all of them have eyes on the Desert Knight.

"You heard the Red Knight earlier, brothers," the Desert Knight shouts. "She has no magic! Whoever this imposter is, she is not the last great battle-witch."


My jaw drops and I glare at the Red Knight. Standing beside him, the Shadow Knight does the same.

The Red Knight wisely moves away from the boar-headed knight. "I said her magic has not manifested itself fully."

"She'll be easier to kill."

"Challenging her is challenging me," the Shadow Knight says firmly. "I have defeated many of you in battle already. Do you think I fear two dozen men when over five hundred in each battle have fallen beneath my sword?"

You tell 'em! Sexy and strong. If nothing else, I kind of like the idea he's not going to throw me to the wolves, even when he knows I suck. Jason never would've defended me. My heart is racing with adrenaline and I hold my breath, waiting for the response from the men.

They attack him.

"Shit." I jerk as metal slams into metal. The force of the impact of their weapons ignites sparks that shoot out from the warriors.

Several of the Knights make an attempt to circle the Shadow Knight to get to me, but Wolfie heads them off while the Shadow Knight moves closer to the squire and me with lethal grace.

I watch, unable to follow the milling forms let alone the movements of men like the Shadow Knight and Desert Knight. Wolfie is a damned good warrior as well and I huddle with the squire.

"What does the magic say?" the squire asks nervously with a glance at my hands.

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