She closed her eyes and licked her lips as he kissed, sucked and licked her neck. They were both panting heavily, but he refused to give her any quarter from his sensual attack. He adjusted his legs until they were suddenly between both of hers and then widened them, opening her legs wider. The action pushed her skirt all the way up to her hips, but she barely noticed. His mouth felt so good on her skin.

He knew that he should stop, but he couldn’t. She had no business going out with any guy while he was alive. She was his! Fuck doing the right thing. Where had that ever gotten him? He wanted her and he was sick of torturing himself so that she could waste her time on losers who didn't deserve to breathe the same air as her. She was his. He’d always known that and he was done with pretending that she wasn’t.

“What color panties did you wear for him?” he whispered against her ear then sucked on the lobe, earning a low moan.

“Black.” For you, she thought.

“Mmm,” he moaned against her skin while his tongue made a wet trail back to the spot on her neck where he’d been suckling her and continued. He shifted in the chair and widened her legs further. His hands slowly moved up her thighs, hooking his fingers in her skirt and tugging it up a few more inches. One hand remained behind while the other moved up her stomach and traced her ribs until it slid up and cupped her breast the same time that his other hand dipped between her legs. He cupped her through her panties.

“Oh, God…,” she choked out a moan, unable to stop herself.

Tristan broke out in a sweat as his fingers traced her damp panties. So many nights of fantasizing about touching her. He pressed a reverent kiss to her neck while one finger snaked beneath her panties and pulled them aside. He was glad that he couldn’t see what he’d revealed, afraid he’d embarrass himself.

Not that he had much experience with women. He didn’t and shouldn’t know how to navigate her body this way, but something about touching her this way made him feel as though he’d done it a hundred times before. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the connection he felt with her or years of fantasies, but he knew, just knew, what she liked and what she didn’t.

Without having to ask, he knew that she hated having her ni**les teased with his teeth. It reminded her of rough fabric and turned her off quickly. She loved it when he used his tongue on her and he knew that if he did it just right that she would come a hell of a lot faster and harder. He also knew that she hated having her feet touched or any teasing touches on the side of stomach during sex, because it would make her giggle. He also knew what it would do to her if he focused solely on her clit. She’d thrash under his mouth, screaming at him to f**k her even as she threatened to kill him if he even thought about stopping.

It should worry him that he knew what she liked in bed, but he didn’t care. He’d already decided that he was going to use this knowledge to his advantage and enjoy every second of it. His fingers pinched her hard nipple through the material as he teased her bare slit with his fingers. She was so goddamn wet that he had to grit his teeth as pleasure shot through his painful erection.

“So wet….so beautiful…,” he mumbled against her skin.


He sucked harder on her neck as he slid a finger inside her. She gave an inarticulate cry as he entered her. It was loud, too loud. With his other hand, he covered her mouth. She moaned and licked his hand as he added another finger to his slow torturous assault.

Marty cried against his hand, begging him to go faster, but he stubbornly maintained his pace. It was too much for her. Every nerve in her body was on fire and this slow pace was killing her. He was going to make her come painfully if he kept it up. Unable to stand it any longer, she flexed her h*ps against his hand and, as a result, his erection.

Her skirt rode up until it was above her hips, leaving her barely covered bottom pressed intimately against him. Every thrust of her body enveloped his erection in a firm caress, a familiar caress that had pleasure and relief soaring throughout her body as she gave in and enjoyed his touch.

“That’s it, baby, keep doing that,” Tristan moaned against her neck as he rubbed himself against her in time with the thrust of his fingers. He wasn’t going to come like this. Correction, he wasn’t going to allow himself to come like this. The first time he came with her, he would be buried deep inside her body. That didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to enjoy it.

He could feel her body tighten around his fingers. She was close, he knew it instinctively. Using the hand covering her mouth, he moved her face to the side and covered her lips with his own. This was no first date peck or even a buildup. This was intense and carnal as they deepened the kiss the instant their lips met. Their tongues fought for dominance as Tristan quickened his thrusts.

His now free hand cupped and squeezed her breast as she came undone. “Say it!” he demanded. “I want to hear it,” he demanded harshly against her lips.

“Tristan…oh, Tristan!” she moaned into his mouth, pleasing him to no end as she rode his fingers hard, damn near breaking them off.

He pulled back from the kiss, leaving her panting against him as he ran his tongue over her neck, smiling when she shivered. He moved his mouth next to her ear.

“You might have dressed like this for him, but never forget that it was my name that you moaned as you f**ked my fingers.”

Chapter 11

Marty glared at him as she angrily fixed her skirt. Somehow he’d managed to break through her lust filled craze and brought reality crashing down on them with that one little statement. He’d just given her the most erotic experience of her life, only to stomp on it when it was over.

Holding her glare, he slowly brought the fingers that he’d just used to pleasure her to his mouth and sucked them clean, groaning loudly as he did it, much to her embarrassment.

“You’re an ass**le!”

He smiled charmingly up at her from his lazy position in his chair. “Yes, but an ass**le that you want.”

She crossed her arms defiantly over her chest. “It was a moment of weakness, nothing more.”

Tristan scoffed. “That moment damn near broke my fingers off.”

Heat scorched her cheeks as memories of her behavior shot through her head. She was never going to live down her behavior and, judging by the expression on his face, he had no intentions of ever letting her forget.

“Asshole,” she muttered.

He sighed as he stretched in his chair. “That’s really getting old, baby.”

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