Turns out the Satanists had a house on the surface above the complex. Caroline had conjured it into charred rubble and added a few bones to give weight to the explanation.

The victim herself remembered nothing, thanks to Caroline’s merciful alterations to her memory.

“Congratulations,” Morgan said impatiently. “Where’s my cup?”

Oops. “Ah…we destroyed it.”


One explanation later, the Liege of the Majae wore an expression of speculative pleasure that made Galahad more than a little uneasy. “So that explains it.” Catching his lifted eyebrow, she said, “Remember the vampire nest in Peru I told you about? It wasn’t going at all well when a wave of magic rolled across the battlefield. I estimate fully a third of the enemy simply disappeared on the spot. Vaporized. Same thing happened to the forces fighting Arthur and Lancelot.”

Caroline’s jaw dropped. “A third?” A wicked grin crossed her face as she considered the implications. “And there were three cups. My spell must have wiped out all the vampires who were turned from that particular grail.”

“Obviously. You do still have that spell, I assume?”

“Sure.” Remembering the way Soren had transferred it to her, she winced. “I’ll…write it down for you.” Hastily, she conjured a piece of paper with the spell and handed it over. Though why the dragon hadn’t done the same for her was another question entirely.

Morgana accepted it with a smile of pleasure. “All we have to do now is find the other two cups. Destroying them will be a hell of a lot easier than trying to kill all those cultists one at a time.”

“Don’t count your chickens, Morgana,” Galahad warned. “They’re not going to give up the cups without a fight.”


The witch gave him a vicious grin. “Too bad.” She turned, reading the spell and started absently toward a gate that had appeared in the middle of the room. Just before she stepped through it, she looked back at Caroline, her expression more than a bit smug. “I knew we needed you.”

When the witch was gone, Caroline turned a disbelieving look on Galahad. “You stayed with her for a decade?” Then, reading an all-too-vivid memory of just what he’d found so appealing, she picked up a pillow and socked him with it. “You hound!”

“Now that’s just offensive.” Galahad plucked the pillow out of her hand. “I’ll have you know I’m far more wolf than dog.”

“We’ll see about that when I make you sit up and beg.”

But just as she was about to get her revenge, a deep rumbling voice filled the room. “Before you two start your mating ritual—I gather the spell worked?”

“Yes, Soren, thank you,” Galahad said, pouncing on Caroline and wrestling her onto her back.

“Yeah, thanks. Galahad, cut it out!”

As they rolled and fought like puppies, the dragon, clinging to the side of the cliff, shook his massive head. “Mammals.” Catching sight of a tempting shape standing above him on the edge of the cliff, Soren started climbing up the mountain face to meet her. “But it’s not a bad idea. Come here, you.”

CAROLINE squirmed as Galahad stretched her out and pinned her down, both wrists pulled up above her head by one of his hands. “Now,” he purred, “are you going to get rid of this shirt, or am I going to eat it off?”

She glowered at him in mock temper before making it disappear. He lifted his head to contemplate her hard nipples with predatory interest. “That’s better.”

Caroline swallowed and licked her lips as he slowly lowered his head. The first hot flick of his tongue over the delicate peak made her jump. Through the Truebond, she caught an echo of how she tasted to him: slightly salty, deliciously feminine, uniquely Caroline.

He adored it.

And so he indulged, suckled, licked, nibbled. Slowly, enjoying the sensations she felt through the Truebond. No wonder you like this.

She moaned agreement and arched against him, then gasped at the feel of his hard, muscled weight while he enjoyed her lean, satin softness. “Let me go. I want to touch you.”

“I don’t think so.” He tightened his grip on her wrists. “I like it just like this.”

“Mmmmm.” It did feel good. “But you’re not fooling me. You’re afraid you’re going to lose it.” Deliberately, she gave him a slow, sinuous wiggle, sliding her belly over his erect cock in a way that made him groan.

Oh, so that’s how you want to play, he said through the link. We’ll just see who loses it first.

Oops. Tactical mistake.

Too late. He reared off her and rolled over onto his back. His cock bounced, pointing cheerfully at his chin. I’m challenging you to sixty-nine. Whoever comes first…Well, doesn’t exactly lose.

I was thinking that.

I know. Extending his arms over his head, he stretched, arching his back. The sight of that big body twisting against the sheets made her mouth water. “What are you waiting for? Mount up.” He was thinking that a millennia and a half of kinky experience should allow him to blow her out of the water—so to speak.

Pride stung, Caroline glowered at him. “We’ll just see about that, Sir Fangsalot.” She sat up, swung a leg over his chest so her behind was in his face, and settled down to eye his cock.

Galahad simply grabbed her by the hips and pulled her to his mouth with such breathtaking strength she yelped. The cry became a gasp as he gave her a long, sampling lick.

She felt the smug satisfaction in his mind. What are you waiting for? Get busy.

Give me a minute. Caroline contemplated the length of his cock and swallowed. I’m trying to figure out my plan of attack.


Hey, all you have to do is nibble. I’ve got to engulf this telephone pole.

He liked the description enough to reward her with a long, wicked swirl of his tongue. Well, if it’s too much for you, I’d be happy to tie you up and find somewhere else to put it.


Not so. He sipped deliciously on sensitive flesh. You’re just a sheltered English teacher.

Not anymore. To prove it, she took the thick shaft in one hand, angled it upward and swooped her mouth down over the head. Closing her lips, she began to suck.

He liked that.

So did she. In fact, she liked the startling sensation of wet heat so much that she stopped, just holding him in her mouth. That felt pretty good, too.

He slid one long finger into her sex and closed his lips over her clit. Sucking hard, he sent a sweet firestorm blowing up her spine. His cock jerked in her mouth in reaction to the glorious echo.

You know, he thought when the fierce sensation faded, I think I’m winning. Where’d I put that rope?

I wouldn’t bring up the bondage idea to somebody who could chain you to this bed so fast your fangs would spin. Determined, she started suckling his velvety cock head again, trying to ignore the delicious sensations coming through the Truebond.

He licked. She worked another inch of cock down her throat. He suckled, swirling his tongue around her clit. She caught his balls in her free hand and cupped him gently as she bobbed her head.

A second finger joined the one in her cunt. He pumped slowly. She drew off him to lave the head of his erection while she stroked the shaft.

And every single caress from either of them sent delicious waves through both, the pleasure doubling and trebling.

The climax roared out of nowhere, so blinding and ferocious his bellow blended with her startled cry.

When the hot wave passed, she lay collapsed over him, dazed, vaguely aware of the taste of him. Oh.


She twisted her head around and grinned back at him. Did Sir Galahad, badass of the known universe, just say “wow”?

A faint flush rose over his arrogant cheekbones. That was you.

It was not! You lying vampire! She rolled off him and grabbed the pillow. Before she could hit him with it, he grabbed her and dragged her beneath him.

Grinning, he settled down on top of her. “Oh, no, you don’t. You lost. I’m claiming my prize.”

“Hey, you came first! Yours triggered mine!”

“I don’t think so.” He lowered his head and kissed her slowly, throughly. She opened for him with a breathy little moan.

When he broke the kiss, she threaded her arms around his neck. “You came first.”

“I did not.” He reached down and drew her legs apart.

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