Arousal pulsed between her thighs. She licked her lips and thought of everything she’d like to do to him when she caught him.

Then she imagined everything he could do to her, and the heat increased even more.

Just behind her, he whispered, “I like to play with my food.” Long fingers closed around her hips, dragging her backward.

Then she was plastered against Galahad again, her back to his brawny chest, his hard cock pressing her backside. His sword-callused hands slid up over her bare breasts to capture both peaks between thumb and forefinger. Pleasure spooled through her as he gently plucked them taut. “Breakfast,” he purred.

Caroline panted as hot little flashes of pleasure skated across her nerves. “You’ve got a kinky streak, Galahad.”

“Oh, yeah.” He reached for the tie of her bathing suit bottoms. Tugging it loose, he started dragging the scrap of fabric off, raking sensitive flesh in the process. She gasped at the urgent clench of pleasure he triggered, and he chuckled, the sound deep and sexy. “In fact, maybe I’ll just tie you up with your own bikini.”

Caroline let her head fall back against his wet, brawny shoulder, impossibly turned on. “Yeah, you’re kinky.”

“Oh, darlin’, you have no idea. Yet.” Then those strong arms slid out from around her. She whirled, but he was gone. Again. “Tease!”

She could feel her sex swelling, throbbing. Evidently Galahad wasn’t the only one with a kinky streak. This was like being trapped in an erotic version of Jaws. And it was past time to turn the tables on the great white vampire.

Caroline really wanted to get her hands on his harpoon.

She swam for the side. If she could lure him out of the water, they’d be on more equal ground.


As equal as you could get with a guy who could bench-press a Cadillac, anyway.

Reaching the side of the pool, she caught the cool granite rim and prepared to lever herself out.

“Now where do you think you’re going?” Galahad pulled her back into those magnificent arms, one hand taking possession of a hard nipple while the other slipped between her thighs.

A long, broad finger slid into her sex in a deep, breathtaking stroke. She gasped, arching her butt against his rock-hard cock. “There’s a word for men like you.”

He chuckled in her ear, the sound richly seductive. “There are lots of words for a man like me. Which one do you have in mind?”

Caroline whimpered at his lushly extravagant probes into her sex. “Tease.”

“Nope, that’s not one of them. Teases never intend to follow through.” Scissoring her clit between his fingers, he raked his fangs across her pulse. “I do.”

“When, exactly?” she panted.

“Now.” He turned her around in his arms and lifted her out of the water. The next thing Caroline knew, she was lying on her back beside the pool edge with her thighs draped over his shoulders. Still in the water, he buried his face between her legs.

“Oh, God!” She came halfway off the stone floor as Galahad parted her lips and started feasting—licking, sucking, dancing his tongue over delicate flesh in seductive circles and swirls. His hands claimed her breasts again, stroking the soft flesh, thumbing her nipples. Driving her insane with breathtaking speed until she writhed on the stone, begging for the climax bearing down on her with every flick and caress.

But it wasn’t enough.

She craved his massive cock, ached for his deep, driving thrusts, burned to feel his weight spread over her, big body surging against hers.

“Galahad!” His name was a desperate, pleading scream.

His only response was a growl.


He lifted his head, his eyes glowing red in the darkness. “Goddess, I love listening to you beg.” Fangs flashed in his grin.

She groaned, panted. “Jerk!”

“Now is that any way to talk to a man who’s got you right where he wants you?” With a muscular surge and splash, he levered himself out of the water. She whimpered at the sensation of his wet body covering hers. His cock pressed against her belly, hard as a blade.

“Yes! Now!” Her need leaped into a hot roar, and she tried to wrap both legs around his backside.

“Not so fast.” Galahad coiled his arms around her and rolled her astride his hips, big hands spreading her thighs, lifting her, positioning her so he could trust hard into her slick, swollen core.

“Ooooh! Galahad!” Her eyes flared wide at the stark sensation.

He chuckled in her ear. “Like that?”

“Jesus!” He felt so damn big.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” One hand clamped over her butt, holding her in place as he started thrusting—hard, deep lunges that raked her clinging flesh with delight. He fisted the fingers of the other hand in her hair, pulled her head back. She moaned in helpless anticipation.

The burning penetration of his fangs sinking into her throat made her yelp in a combination of arousal and erotic pain. Instinctively, she tried to pull back, but he wouldn’t allow it. She couldn’t move at all, held in those supernaturally powerful hands as he took her.

Then the pleasure rose, white hot and overwhelming, and the desire to flee drained away. Almost blind with it, she clung to his brawny shoulders as he stroked in and out of her slick flesh, his mouth hot on her throat.

The storm of sensation went on and on, blazing through her consciousness until there was room for nothing else. Then the climax hit like a velvet hammer, and she screamed. “Galahad!” The sound blended with the merciless slap of his hips on hers. As if her climax triggered his, he stiffened against her with a muffled growl of feral pleasure.

Helpless, lost, she lay in Galahad’s arms as he pumped his seed deep and fed.


CAROLINE lay in Galahad’s arms as her heartbeat slowed its lunging pace, listening to the patter of the waterfall. Her muscles jumped and quivered with the aftershocks of his ferocious passion, and her throat stung. Clinging weakly to him, she let her eyes drift closed.

“Cachamuri’s eggs, Galahad, have you ruined another virgin?”

With a start, she jerked her head off his chest.

A scaly head the size of her entire body stared at them from barely ten feet away.

With a terrified little shriek, Caroline tried to roll off Galahad—whether to run or throw a spell, she didn’t quite know. He held her still, laughing. “Calm down, Caroline. It’s just Soren. He won’t hurt you.” To the dragon he added, “Look what you’ve done, you overgrown gecko—you scared her!”

The dragon sighed gustily as it clung to the cliff looking in through the barrier spell. “I suppose it’s just as well she’s not a virgin. She’s too high-strung for me anyway. Ah well. Let me in, would you? I’m getting tired of hanging out here.”

“If you insist,” Galahad said. “Just quit trying to scare the daylights out of my girl. Shield down.”

Before Caroline could process being referred to as “his girl,” the dragon snaked its massive head inside. Wide-eyed, she watched it maneuver its huge upper body through the opening. It was obvious the rest of the beast would never fit.

“He keeps promising me virgin sacrifices,” the dragon complained to her in a rumbling basso. “But by the time they arrive, they’re not virgins anymore. It’s most frustrating.”

“That thing actually eats women?” she hissed at Galahad, horrified.

The dragon’s grin revealed teeth longer than Galahad’s great sword. “Every chance I get.” Magic streamed out of its glowing eyes to wash over its body and blaze painfully bright. When the glare faded, a tall, breathtakingly handsome man stood in the dragon’s place. “But it’s not as if I chew. And they don’t seem to mind.”

“No,” Caroline said faintly. “I don’t suppose they do.”

The dragon man was dressed like a medieval courtier in a blue velvet doublet, an impressive jeweled codpiece, and hose that clung to long, powerful legs. His face was long-boned, with a majestic nose and sensual lips, and his head was shaved perfectly smooth, a faint blue tint just beneath the skin. “Very pretty.” His iridescent gaze was hot and approving as he stared at her before he lifted a brow at Galahad. “I don’t suppose you’d share.”

“No.” Giving the dragon a warning glare, Galahad added to Caroline, “Clothes, darling. Knowing Soren, something in a gunnysack.”

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