“Prior to meeting you, I’d no ambition, Ma’am but after having you as my English professor, there implanted a whetting ambition in my mind to be a maven in the Art of writing novel and meliorate my standard of knowledge by dint of your association throughout my life for which I have been bent on marrying you. “ Prasanth extolled.

“I see! To accomplish your whetted ambition as a novelist in English, you want to marry me, isn’t it? Even a fool won’t agree with your words.” Swathi laughed criticising him.

After your marriage with some X, is it possible for me to continue my association with you? Impossible. This is my first reason. Secondly, carnal love may also be responsible but it can’t be puppy love or infatuation. Though my love doesn’t resemble Platonic love, yet it is a part of it. Your physical features are also responsible for being enamoured of you. Difference in Age is not a main factor for loving. Sri Rama, the protagonist of the great epic, the Ramayana is younger than his wife, Sita, six years difference. So our age difference cannot be a hurdle to marry you. I need not reiterate that religion caste, creed, nativity etcetera are not concerned with pure love. My love on you is immeasurable and can’t find words to express in words, ma’am. Please do accept my love and marry me

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