“Is it? Well, it seems to me a short name and modern name also. “Baskar gave his account for creating a new name.

Then they began to discuss about the clairvoyant and the role played in their life.

No sooner did he French kiss his consort than Shyamala acknowledged his right on her and cuddled him. In a whispering tone, she asked him,” Shall I switch off the light?”

“Why? Do you have nyctopobia?(fear of darkness)”

“Me?” she bit her lower lip and glanced at him. “I think you don’t know anything about the adventure type of women of this soil. We, Madura ladies are famous for our bravery and domination over the males. You see, if any one spells the name of Meenakshi, all identify the city of Madura. So it is very famous. Like the Goddess, we are also brave women. Even midnight in the darkest path, we can walk alone.” Shyamala gave an account of her fame and the people of Madura.

“Oh, I see!,” exclaimed Baskar and simulated as if he believed her words. “If you are brave, then, why do you wish to switch off the light?”

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