Kind and gentle as a woman, Irving Stanley was sometimes laughed at by

his own sex, as too gentle, too feminine in disposition; but those who

knew him best loved him most, and loved him, too, just because he was

not so stern, so harsh, so overbearing as lords of creation are wont to


Such was Irving Stanley, and 'Lina might well be thankful that her lot

was cast so near him. He did not talk to her at the table further than a

few commonplace remarks, but when, after dinner was over, and his Havana

smoked, he found her sitting with her mother out in the grove, apart

from everybody, and knew instantly that they were there alone, he went


to them at once, and ere many minutes had elapsed discovered to his

surprise that they were his so-called cousins from Kentucky. Nothing

could exceed 'Lina's delight. He was there unfettered by mother or

sister or sweetheart, and of course would attach himself exclusively to

her. 'Lina was very happy, and more than once her loud laugh rang out so

loud that Irving, with all his charity, had a faint suspicion that

around his Kentucky cousin, brilliant though she was, there might linger

a species of coarseness, not altogether agreeable to one of his

refinement. Still he sat chatting with her until the knowing dowagers,

who year after year watch such things at Saratoga, whispered behind

their fans of a flirtation between the elegant Mr. Stanley and that

dark, haughty-looking girl from Kentucky.

"I never saw him so familiar with a stranger upon so short an

acquaintance," said fat Mrs. Buford.

"Is that Irving Stanley, whom Lottie Gardner talks so much about?" And

Mrs. Richards leveled her glass again, for Irving Stanley was not

unknown to her by reputation. "She must be somebody, John, or he would

not notice her," and she spoke in an aside, adding in a louder tone: "I

wonder who she is? There's their servant. I mean to question her," and

as Lulu came near, she said: "Girl, who do you belong to?"

"'Longs to them," answered Lulu, jerking her head toward 'Lina and Mrs.


"Where do you live?" was the next query, and Lulu replied: "Spring Bank, Kentucky. Missus live in big house, 'most as big as this;"

then anxious to have the ordeal passed, and fearful that she might not

acquit herself satisfactorily to 'Lina, who, without seeming to notice

her, had drawn near enough to hear, she added: "Miss 'Lina is an airey,

a very large airey, and has a heap of--of--" Lulu hardly knew what, but

finally in desperation added: "a heap of a'rs," and then fled away ere

another question could be asked her.

"What did she say she was?" Mrs. Richards asked, and the doctor replied: "She said an airey. She meant an heiress."

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