"Did it more to save the lazy negroes' steps than from any regard for

our comfort," retorted 'Lina. "At all events he's been mighty careful

since how he gratified my wishes. Sometimes I believe he perfectly hates

me, and wishes I'd never been born," and tears, which arose from anger,

rather than any wounded sisterly feeling, glittered in 'Lina's black


"Hugh does not hate any one," said Mrs. Worthington, "much less his

sister, though you must admit that you try him terribly."

"How, I'd like to know?" 'Lina asked, and her mother replied: "He thinks you proud, and vain, and artificial, and you know he abhors

deceit above all else. Why, he'd cut off his right hand sooner than tell


a lie."

"Pshaw!" was 'Lina's contemptuous response, then after a moment she

continued: "I wonder how we came to be so different. He must be like his

father, and I like mine--that is, supposing I know who he is. Wouldn't

it be funny if, just to be hateful, he had sent you back the wrong


"What made you think of that?" Mrs. Worthington asked, quickly, and

'Lina replied: "Oh, nothing, only the last time Hugh had one of his tantrums, and got

so outrageously angry at me, because I made Mr. Bostwick think my hair

was naturally curly, he said he'd give all he owned if it were so, but

I reckon he'll never have his wish. There's too much of old Sam about me

to admit of a doubt," and half spitefully, half playfully she touched

the spot in the center of her forehead known as her birthmark.

When not excited it could scarcely be discerned at all, but the moment

she was aroused, the delicate network of veins stood out round and full,

forming what seemed to be a tiny hand without the thumb. It showed a

little now in the firelight, and Mrs. Worthington shuddered as she

glanced at what brought so vividly before her the remembrance of other

and wretched days. Adaline observed the shudder and hastened to change

the conversation from herself to Hugh, saying by way of making some

amends for her unkind remarks: "It really is kind in him to give me a

home when I have no particular claim upon him, and I ought to respect

him for that. I am glad, too, that Mr. Stanley made it a condition in

his will that if Hugh ever married, he should forfeit the Spring Bank

property, as that provides against the possibility of an upstart wife

coming here some day and turning us, or at least me, into the street.

Say, mother, are you not glad that Hugh can never marry even if he

wishes to do so, which is not very probable."

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