"Yes; but the lady, Miss Ellis. Where did you find her?" Adah asked, and

Sam replied: "I'se comin' to her d'rectly. Mas'r Fitzhugh live on big plantation--big

house, too, with plenty company; and one day she comed, with great

trunk, a visitin' you know. She'd been to school with Miss Mabel, Mas'r

Fitzhugh's daughter."

"Are you sure it's the same?" Adah asked.

"Yes, miss, Sam sure, he 'members them curls--got a heap of 'em; and

that neck--oh, wear that neck berry low, so low, so white, it make even

ole Sam feel kinder, kinder, yes, Sam feel very much that way."

Adah could not repress a smile, but she was too much interested to


interrupt him, and he went on: "They all think heap of Miss Ellis, and I hear de blacks tellin' how she

berry rich, and comed from way off thar wher white niggers


"Massachusetts?" suggested Adah.

"Yes; that's the very mas'r, I 'member dat."

"Was Ellis her first or last name?" Adah asked, and Sam replied: "It was neider, 'twas her Christian name. I'se got mizzable memory, and

I disremembers her last name. The folks call her Ellis, and the blacks

Miss Ellis."

"A queer name for a first one," Adah thought, while Sam continued: "She jest like bright angel, in her white gownds and dem long curls, and

Sam like her so much. She promise to write to Mas'r Browne and tell him

whar I is. I didn't cry loud then--heart too full. I cry whimperin'

like, and she cry, too. Then she tell me about God, and Sam listen, oh,

listen so much, for that's what he want to hear so long. Miss Nancy, in

Kuntuck, be one of them that reads her pra'rs o' Sundays, and ole mas'r

one that hollers 'em. Sam liked that way best, seemed like gettin' along

and make de Lord hear, but it don't show Sam the way, and when the

ministers come in, he listen, but they that reads and them that hollers

only talk about High and Low--Jack and the Game, or something, Sam

disremembers so bad; got mizzable memory. He only knows he not find the

way, 'till Miss Ellis tells him of Jesus, once a man and always God.

It's very queer, but Sam believe it, and then she sing, 'Come unto me.'

You ever hear it?"

Adah nodded, and Sam went on.

"But you never hear Miss Ellis sing it. Oh, so fine, the very rafters

hold their breff, and Sam find the way at last."

"Where is Miss Ellis now?" Adah asked, and Sam replied: "Gone to Masser--what you say once. She gived me five dollars and then

ask what else. I look at her and say, 'Sam wants a spear or two of yer

shinin' hair,' and Miss Mabel takes shears and cut a little curl. I'se

got 'em now. I never spend the money," and from an old leathern wallet

Sam drew a bill and a soft silken curl, which he laid across Adah's


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