Mrs. Johnson did not like Dr. Richards, and yet he became an almost

daily visitor at Riverside Cottage, where one face at least grew

brighter when he came, and one pair of eyes beamed on him a welcome. His

new code of morality worked admirably. Mr. Howard himself was not more

regular at church, or Alice more devout, than Dr. Richards. The

children, whom he had denominated "ragged brats," were no longer spurned

with contempt, but fed with peanuts and molasses candy. He was popular

with the children, but the parents, clear-sighted, treated him most

shabbily at his back, accusing him of caring only for Miss Alice's good



This was what the poor said, and what many others thought. Even Anna,

who took everything for what it seemed, roused herself and more than

once remonstrated with her brother upon the course he was pursuing, if

he were not in earnest, as something he once said to her made her half


She had become very intimate with Alice latterly, and as her health

improved with the coming of spring, almost every fine day found her at

Riverside Cottage, where once she and Mrs. Johnson stumbled upon a

confidential chat, having for its subject John and Alice, Anna said

nothing against her brother. She merely spoke of him as kind and

affectionate, but the quick-seeing mother detected more than the words

implied, and after that the elegant doctor was less welcome to her

fireside than, he had been before.

As the winter passed away and spring advanced, he showed no intentions

of leaving Snowdon, but on the contrary opened an office in the village,

greatly to the surprise of the inhabitants, who remembered his former

contempt for any one who could settle down in that dull town, and

greatly to the dismay of old Dr. Rogers, who for years had blistered and

bled the good people without a fear of rivalry.

"Does Dr. Richards intend locating permanently in Snowdon?" Mrs. Johnson

asked of her daughter as they sat alone one pleasant spring evening.

"His sign would indicate as much," was Alice's reply.

"Mother," she said gently, "you look pale and worried. You have looked

so for some time past. What is it, mother? Are you very sick, or are you

troubled about me?"

"Is there any reason why I should be troubled about my darling?" asked

the mother.

Alice never had any secrets from her mother, and she answered frankly:

"I don't know, unless--unless--mother, why don't you like Dr. Richards?"

The ice was fairly broken now, and very briefly but candidly Mrs.

Johnson told why she did not like him. He was handsome, refined,

educated, and agreeable, she admitted, but still there was something

lacking. The mask he was wearing had not deceived her, and she would

have liked him far better without it. This she said to Alice, adding

gently: "He may be all he seems, but I doubt it. I distrust him greatly.

I think he fancies you and loves your money."

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