"You forget Mrs. Johnson," interposed Anna. "We would be glad to know

her better than we do, she is so refined and cultivated in all her

tastes, while Alice is the sweetest girl I ever knew. By the way,

brother, they have come here since you left, consequently you have a

rare pleasure in store, the forming their acquaintance."

"Whose, the old or the young lady's?" John asked.

"Both," was Anna's reply. "The mother is very youthful in her

appearance. Why, she scarcely looks older than I, and I, you know, am


As if fearful lest her own age should come next under consideration,


Miss Eudora hastened to say: "Yes, Mrs. Johnson does look very young, and Alice seems like a child.

Such beautiful hair as she has. It used to be a bright yellow, or

golden, but now it has a darker, richer shade, while her eyes are the

softest, handsomest blue."

Alice Johnson was evidently a favorite, and this stamped her somebody,

so John began to ask who the Johnsons were.

Mrs. Richards seemed disposed to answer, which she did as follows: "Mrs. Johnson used to live in Boston, and her husband was grandson of

old Governor Johnson."

"Ah, yes," and John began to laugh. "I see now what gives Miss Alice's

hair that peculiar shade, and her eyes that heavenly blue; but go on,

mother, and give her figure as soon as may be."

"What do you mean?" asked Anna. "I should suppose you'd care more for

her face than her form."

John smiled mischievously, while his mother continued: "I fancy that Mrs. Johnson's family met with a reverse of fortune before

her marriage. I do not see her as often as I would like to, for I am

greatly pleased with her, although she has some habits of which I cannot

approve. Why, I hear that Alice had a party the other day

consisting-wholly of ragged urchins."

"They were her Sabbath school scholars," interposed Anna.

"I vote that Anna goes on with Alice's history. She gives it best," said

John, and so Anna continued: "There is but little more to tell. Mrs. Johnson and her daughter are

both nice ladies, and I am sure you will like them--everybody does; and

rumor has already given Alice to our young clergyman, Mr. Howard."

"And she is worth fifty thousand dollars, too," rejoined Asenath.

"I have her figure at last," said John, winking slyly at Anna.

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