He did not offer her his hand; he knew she would not touch it; but with

one farewell look of contrition and regret, he left her, and mounting

the horse which had brought him there, he dashed away from Spring Bank,

just as Colonel Tiffton reined up to the gate.

Nell would give him no peace until he went over to see what it all meant

and if there really was to be no wedding. It was Alice who met him in

the hall, explaining to him as much as she thought necessary, and asking

him, on his return, to wait a little by the field gate, and turn back

any other guest who might be on the road.

The colonel promised compliance with her request, and thus were kept


away two carriage loads of people whose curiosity had prompted them to

disregard the contents of the note brought to them so mysteriously.

Spring Bank was not honored with wedding guests that night; and when the

clock struck eight, the appointed hour for the bridal, only the

bridegroom sat in the dreary parlor, his head bent down upon the sofa

arm, and his chest heaving with the sobs he could not repress as he

thought of all poor Lily had suffered since he left her so cruelly. Hugh

had told him what he did not understand before. He had come into the

room for his mother, whom 'Lina was pleading to see; and after leading

her to the chamber of the half-delirious girl, he had returned to the

doctor, and related to him all he knew of Adah, dwelling long upon her

gentleness and beauty, which had won from him a brother's love, even

though he knew not she was his Sister.

"I was a wretch, a villain!" the doctor groaned. Then looking wistfully

at Hugh, he said: "Do you think she loves me still? Listen to what she

says in her farewell to Anna," and with faltering voice, he read: "That

killed the love and now, if I could, I would not be his except for

Willie's sake.' Do you think she meant it?"

"I have no doubt of it, sir. How could her love outlive everything?

Curses and blows might not have killed it, but when you thought to ruin

her good name, to deny your child, she would be less than woman could

she forgive. Why, I hate and despise you myself for the wrong you have

done my sister," and Hugh's tall form seemed to take on an increased

height as he stood, gazing down on one who could not meet his eye, but

cowered and hid his face.

It was the first time Hugh had called Adah "my sister," and it seemed to

fill every nook and corner of his great heart with unutterable love for

the absent girl. "Sister, sister," he kept repeating to himself, and as

he did so, his resentful indignation grew toward the man who had so

cruelly deceived her, until at last he abruptly left the room, lest his

hot temper should get the mastery, and he knock down his dastardly

brother-in-law, as he greatly wished to do.

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