It was not a disagreeable picture--that chubby, rose-cheeked little boy.

Willie had run to the door because he heard the bell. He had not

expected to see a stranger, and at sight of the tall figure he drew back

timidly and half hid himself behind Mrs. Richards, whom he knew to be

the warmest ally he had in the hall.

As the doctor had said to Irving Stanley, he disliked children, but he

could not help noticing Willie, and after the first greetings were over

he asked, "Who have we here? Whose child is this?"

Eudora and Asenath tried to frown, but the expression of their faces

softened perceptibly as they glanced at Willie, who had followed them


into the parlor, and who, with one little foot thrown forward, and his

fat hands pressed together, stood upon the hearth rug, gazing at the

doctor with that strange look which had so often puzzled, bewildered and

fascinated the entire Richards' family.

"Anna wrote you that the maid she so much wanted had come to her at

last--a very ladylike person, who has evidently seen better days, and

this is her child, Willie Markham. He is such a queer little fellow

that we allow him more liberties than we ought."

It was Mrs. Richards who volunteered this explanation, while her son

stood looking down at Willie, wondering what it was about the child

which seemed familiar. Anna had casually mentioned Rose Markham in her

letter, had said how much she liked her, and had spoken of her boy, but

the doctor was too much absorbed in his own affairs to care for Rose

Markham; so he had not thought of her since, notwithstanding that 'Lina

had tried many times to make him speak of Anna's maid, so as to

calculate her own safety. The sight of Willie, however, set the doctor

to thinking, and finally carried him back to the crowded car, the

shrieking child, and the young woman to whom Irving Stanley had been so


"I hope I shall not be obliged to see her," he thought, and then he

answered his mother's speech concerning Willie. "So you've taken to

petting a servant's child, for want of something better. Just wait until

my boy comes here."

Eudora tried to blush, Asenath looked unconscious, while Mrs. Richards

replied: "If I ever have a grandson one half as pretty or as bright as

Willie, I shall be satisfied."

The doctor did not know how rapidly a lively, affectionate child will

win one's love, and he thought his proud mother grown almost demented;

but still, in spite of himself, he more than once raised his hand to lay

it on Willie's head, pausing occasionally in his conversation to watch

the gambols of the playful child sporting on the carpet.

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