"Oh, Hugh, don't; you break my heart. I'd rather you should scorn, or

even hate me, for the sorrow I have brought. Such unselfish kindness

will kill me," Alice sobbed, for never had she been so touched as by

this insight into the real character of the man she had refused.

He would not hold her long in his arms, though it were bliss to do so,

and putting her gently in the chair, he leaned his own poor sick head

upon the mantel, while Alice watched him with streaming eyes and an

aching heart, which even then half longed to give itself into his

keeping. At last it was her turn to speak, hers the task to comfort. The

prayer she had inwardly breathed for guidance to act aright had not been


unheard, and with a strange calmness she arose, and laying her hand on

Hugh's arm, bade him be seated, while she told him what she had to say.

He obeyed her, sinking into the offered chair, and then standing before

him, she began: "You do not wish me to go away, you say. I have no desire to go, except

it should be better for you. Even though I may not be your wife, I can,

perhaps, minister to your happiness; and, Hugh, we will forget to-night,

forget what has occurred, and be to each other what we were before,

brother and sister. There must be no particular perceptible change of

manner, lest others should suspect what has passed between us. Do you

agree to this?"

He bowed his head, and Alice drew a step nearer to him, hesitating a

moment ere she continued: "You speak of a rival. I do not know that you have one. Sure it is I am

bound to no one by any pledge, or promise, or tie, unless it be a tie of


Hugh glanced up quickly now, and the words, "You are mistaken; it was

not Irving Stanley," trembled on his lips, but his strong will fought

them back, and Alice went on.

"I will be frank with you, and say that I have seen one who pleased me,

both for the noble qualities he possessed, and because I had thought so

much of meeting him, of expressing to him my thanks for a great favor

done when I was only a child. There's a look in your face like his; you

remind me of him often; and, Hugh--" the little hand pressed more

closely on Hugh's shoulder, while Alice's breath came heavily, "And,

Hugh, it may be, that in time I can conscientiously give you a different

answer from what I did to-night. I may love as your wife should love

you; and--and, Hugh, if I do, I'll tell you so at the proper time."

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