His hand came up and cupped my face. “You okay? I . . . Was the kiss okay? Or did I push things?”

Push things? I shook my head, unsure of what exactly he meant. “I don’t think so,” I replied, remembering the thrill of kissing someone. It had been fun. “I liked it,” I told him honestly.

He let out a sigh of relief. “Good. I was trying not to cave in and kiss you, but you make it hard for a guy to concentrate on anything else.”

I did?

Pastor Keenan’s office door started to open, and Linc jumped up to move his chair away and walk toward the door to leave.

I could hear Pastor Keenan talking to the couple as the door stayed cracked.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Linc said with a crooked grin. Then he left.

He didn’t want his dad to see him here with me, but he had just kissed me. Something didn’t make sense. But then I knew very little about guys. Maybe his dad would be able to tell we had just kissed and he would be upset that we did that in the church. I decided it was better that he left. I liked this job. I didn’t want to lose it.


I stood at my window watching the parking lot outside. There was nothing to see in the parking lot. I could lie to myself and say I was waiting on the pizza delivery. The truth was I was waiting on Blythe’s car to pull in. Last night I had not gone to see her before my gig, and she’d been on my mind most of the night.

Several shots of tequila and two brunettes with nice size racks had been the only way to get Blythe out of my head. Heels clicked against the tile floor as one of those brunettes walked back into the living room. She’d excused herself to use the restroom. I glanced back to see all she was now wearing was the heels she had shown up in.


When I had opened my door fifteen minutes ago to see one of my one-night stands from last night standing there, I had cursed myself for bringing them back here. Now she knew where I lived. Getting rid of her would be harder.

Her br**sts were real, which was nice considering they swayed heavily as she walked toward me. Last night this one had seemed more competitive than her friend. She’d wanted all my attention, and those were normally the ones that caused the trouble. I didn’t have time for trouble. I had pizza coming and I intended to share that with Blythe before I went to Live Bay.

Blythe and her sweet smile and perfect body. That laugh that made me want to say or do anything to hear it again. And the way she sometimes forgot to guard herself and let her eyes wander down over my chest. The pink flush of her cheeks when I changed shirts in front of her. Which was entirely for my benefit. I didn’t need anyone’s opinion on what T-shirt to wear each night. I took them off when I was on stage anyway. I just liked giving Blythe a reason to look. She liked to look, and I liked that too much.

“I thought we might have more fun—just the two of us,” the brunette purred as she stopped in front of me and ran her hands up my chest.

This one was wanting to make an impression. I could tell her that she wore too much makeup and her perfume was overpowering. If I was a nice guy I could explain that I just liked women. Sexy long legs and big tits. I loved touching them and f**king them. But I wasn’t a nice guy.

I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her down to her knees. She went willingly enough. “Take the edge off. That’s all I got time for,” I told her not sugarcoating this. If she wanted to walk out she was welcome to.

Her eyes lifted to mine and she smiled as if she’d won something. The girl was determined. Someone should have taught her that if a guy shoves you to her knees without kissing you then you should bite his damn dick off. No one told this girl that.

She quickly unzipped my jeans and tugged them down. I hadn’t been wearing any underwear. It was way past laundry day, and I was without several items of clothing. I needed to wash some underwear.

My thoughts were on laundry when cool hands wrapped around my dick. Immediately my gears shifted and I pulled the stool up behind me and leaned back just as her lips slide over my still not fully erect cock. She needed to do a little work to get it onboard with this.

Her tongue twirled around the tip before sliding it completely into her mouth and then bumping it against the back of her throat. The head slid deeper in than most girls allowed without gagging, and I realized I had a pro on my hands. My boy came out to play then.

Lifting my h*ps I shoved deeper into her mouth with a groan of pleasure. “That’s it. You like it deep. Fuck,” I muttered reaching down to grab a handful of her hair and hold her in place. She had started something I was about to finish. I rarely got my hands on someone who wasn’t a gagger.

Her hands grabbed my thighs and she held on as I began moving in and out of her mouth with hard thrusts. Her eyes lifted to mine and a triumphant gleam was in them. That wasn’t gonna help me, so I closed my eyes and pictured another pair of eyes. Those jewel-like eyes that were so big and innocent, yet curious.

Thinking about having her on her knees in front of me, taking me like this, made me reach back and grab the stool behind me as my body began to jerk its release. Shuddering I kept my eyes closed, and Blythe’s face stayed there as my body relaxed. The sharp nails that had dug into my thighs brought me back to the real world, and I opened my eyes to see a smug smile on the girl whose mouth I’d actually just shot my load in. She wasn’t Blythe.

Glancing out the window I saw Blythe stepping out of her car with her backpack slung over her arm. The skirt she wore had my complete and full attention. Those long legs of hers looked so damn smooth. Did she like to have them touched? Would she make sweet whimpers when I touched her?

“How long will it take until you can play again?” the female I had forgotten about asked.

I tore my gaze off Blythe as she walked toward the building. Our dinner would be here any minute and I only had an hour and a half to spend with her before I went to our gig tonight.

“I gotta run. That was great. Thanks,” I said pulling my jeans up and zipping them before reaching for the T-shirt on the sofa.

Scanning the room I searched for my wallet, but noticed the girl still on her knees with a disbelieving expression on her face. What had she expected? I told them last night I just liked to f**k. Nothing more. She was the one who showed back up today. I didn’t ask her to.

“You’re just gonna leave?” she asked.

“Yeah, and so are you,” I replied.

She didn’t move. Shit. She was gonna be dramatic. I wasn’t in the mood for dramatic. I shouldn’t have let her give me head. Bad f**king idea, Krit. Make her think you owe her something.

“Listen, love. I told you last night I don’t do girls more than once. You wanted to get n**ed and prance around in front of me and all I wanted was a release. You gave me that and we’re done. Last night you got a helluva lot more orgasms than me. So we’re even,” the disbelief in her eyes turned to fury as she stood up. Those nice tits were appealing but I had better things to do. “Go get dressed. I gotta go,” I reminded her as I pointed to the bathroom door.

“You’re a bastard,” she hissed.

“Yes I am. Now get your clothes on.”


After changing into a pair of cutoff sweatpants and a tank top, I dug my glasses out of my bag and put them on, then pulled my hair up into a messy bun to get it out of the way. Tonight I planned on writing, but first I had to find something to cook for dinner. I had bought several things at the store that I could easily make. I just wasn’t sure what I was in the mood for.

On my way to the kitchen a knock sounded at my door and I stopped and stared at it. That had to be Krit. No one else ever came by. Glancing down at myself I debated on running back in the room and changing. At least jerking my hair back down and taking off these glasses.

No. I would not do that. Krit wasn’t here to be impressed with how I looked. He probably just wanted advice on a shirt. I forced myself to walk over to the door just as I was and open it up.

Krit’s slow grin lit up his face as he took in the way I was dressed. At least I could amuse him. “Aren’t you too f**king adorable for words,” he said.

I wasn’t adorable but I wasn’t going to argue with him. “Hey,” I replied, then the smell of pizza hit my nose and I realized he wasn’t empty handed. He was carrying a box from the pizza place down the street.

He held the box out so I could see it. “I need help eating this,” he said with his entirely too sexy grin on his face.

Why he was here yet again with food to share with me I wasn’t sure. Did he really like being around me? Was this what friendship was? I stepped back and let him walk inside. He stopped in front of me and lifted a finger and touched the tip of my nose. “Those glasses,” he said and chuckled and shook his head. Then he walked toward the table with the pizza.

He hadn’t looked like he was making fun of me and my glasses, but what had he meant by that? I closed the door and gave myself a moment to adjust to him being in here before turning to look at him. He was already walking into the kitchen to help himself to plates.

If he was teasing me about my glasses that was okay because friends teased each other. Right? I think they did. I could handle some friendly teasing. I knew I looked like a complete nerd in my glasses. It wasn’t like I thought they were attractive. Krit was used to the women in his world being beautiful and perfect. Maybe that was why he liked me. He didn’t get distracted by my looks.

That was a completely depressing thought.

“You gonna stand there frowning at this perfectly yummy pizza or come eat some?” Krit asked as he held out a plate to me.

I was being awkward again. He was here to be nice and friendly and I was making this weird. I shoved my thoughts about why Krit was here aside and forced a smile. He had brought me dinner. I wouldn’t have to cook now. This was a good thing. I wasn’t here to waste time with a guy anyway. I had a life to build. A book to write. I had goals.

“That’s my girl,” he said as I took the plate from his hand.

I wasn’t his girl. He didn’t mean anything by that. Telling myself that didn’t keep my silly heart from picking up its pace. But then all Krit had to do was grin at me or wink and my heart went into a frenzy. It was as if my body couldn’t deal with the excitement that came along with Krit.

“How’s the job?” Krit asked as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

I shrugged. Not much to tell him really. “Good. I enjoy it. I don’t deal with a lot of people and the pastor is really nice.” I didn’t mention Linc. Especially after the kiss we had shared today. I wasn’t ready to talk about Linc. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling where he was concerned. And I didn’t need Krit reading into anything I said.

“You ever gonna come listen to me play?” he asked, then took a bite of his pizza.

No. More than likely not. Going to a club where I knew no one other than a guy on the stage did not sound appealing at all. It sounded terrifying. However, I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

“I’m not sure. I don’t do that scene, or I never have. I wouldn’t even know anyone.”

Krit studied me a moment. “You could bring a friend,” he finally said.

A friend. I had two of those. At least I thought I did. I was still trying to figure out what constituted a friend.

“I’ll see if I have one that wants to go with me,” I told him, wanting to change the subject.

“You have that public speaking class yet?” he asked.

I nodded. I had suffered through it and somehow made it out on the other side alive. But that didn’t mean I would always get out of being called on to go up front. “Not my favorite,” I admitted.

“You really have a problem with attention don’t you?” he asked as he finished off his first slice of pizza.

He had no idea how much of a problem I had with attention. He loved it. I hadn’t seen him perform yet, but I could tell by the look on his face when he talked about it that he adored having all eyes on him. I had no doubt those eyes on him loved every minute of it too. Having a reason to look at Krit was always nice.