"What's the trouble, Aggie?" asked Alfred, and he nodded toward the


"Oh, just some woman with the wrong address," answered Aggie with

affected carelessness. "You'd better let me take the babies now,


"Take them where?" asked Alfred with surprise.

"To bed," answered Aggie sweetly, "they are going to sleep in the next

room with Jimmy and me." She laid a detaining hand on Jimmy's arm.

"What's the hurry?" asked Alfred a bit disgruntled.

"It's very late," argued Aggie.


"Of course it is," insisted Zoie. "Please, Alfred," she pleaded, "do let

Aggie take them."

Alfred rose reluctantly. "Mother knows best," he sighed, but ignoring

Aggie's outstretched arms, he refused to relinquish the joy of himself

carrying the small mites to their room, and he disappeared with the two

of them, singing his now favourite lullaby.

When Alfred had left the room, Jimmy, who was now seated comfortably in

the rocker, was rudely startled by a sharp voice at either side of him.

"Well!" shrieked Zoie, with all the disapproval that could be got into

the one small word.

"You're very clever, aren't you?" sneered Aggie at Jimmy's other elbow.

Jimmy stared from one to the other.

"A nice fix you've got me into NOW," reproved Zoie.

"Why didn't you get out when you had the chance?" demanded Aggie.

"You would take your own sweet time, wouldn't you," said Zoie.

"What did I tell you?" asked Aggie.

"What does he care?" exclaimed Zoie, and she walked up and down the room

excitedly, oblivious of the disarrangement of her flying negligee. "He's

perfectly comfortable."

"Oh yes," assented Jimmy, as he sank back into the rocker and

began propelling himself to and fro. "I never felt better," but a

disinterested observer would have seen in him the picture of discomfort.

"You're going to feel a great deal WORSE," he was warned by Aggie. "Do

you know who that was on the telephone?" she asked.

Jimmy looked at her mutely.

"The mother!" said Aggie emphatically "What!" exclaimed Jimmy.

"She's down stairs," explained Aggie.

Jimmy had stopped rocking--his face now wore an uneasy expression.

"It's time you showed a little human intelligence," taunted Zoie, then

she turned her back upon him and continued to Aggie, "what did she say?"

"She says," answered Aggie, with a threatening glance toward Jimmy,

"that she won't leave this place until Jimmy gives her baby back."

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