Zoie's dreams of rapture at Alfred's home coming had not included such

divided attention as he was now showing her and she was growing more and

more desperate at the turn affairs had taken. She resolved to put a stop

to his nonsense and to make him realise that she and no one else was the

lode star of his existence. She beckoned to Aggie to get out of the

room and to leave her a clear field and as soon as her friend had gone

quietly into the next room, she called impatiently to Alfred who was

still cooing rapturously over the young stranger. Finding Alfred deaf

to her first entreaty, Zoie shut her lips hard, rearranged her pretty

head-dress, drew one fascinating little curl down over her shoulder,


reknotted the pink ribbon of her negligee, and then issued a final and

imperious order for her husband to attend her.

"Yes, yes, dear," answered Alfred, with a shade of impatience. "I'm

coming, I'm coming." And bidding a reluctant farewell to the small

person in the crib, he crossed to her side.

Zoie caught Alfred's hand and drew him down to her; he smiled


"Well," he said in the patronising tone that Zoie always resented. "How

is hubby's little girl?"

"It's about time," pouted Zoie, "that you made a little fuss over me for

a change."

"My own!" murmured Alfred. He stooped to kiss the eager lips, but just

as his young wife prepared to lend herself to his long delayed embrace,

his mind was distracted by an uneasy thought. "Do you think that Baby


He was not permitted to finish the sentence.

Zoie drew him back to her with a sharp exclamation.

"Think of ME for a while," she commanded.

"My darling," expostulated Alfred with a shade of surprise at her

vehemence. "How could I think of anyone else?" Again he stooped to

embrace her and again his mind was directed otherwise. "I wonder if Baby

is warm enough," he said and attempted to rise.

"Wonder about ME for a while," snapped Zoie, clinging to him


Again Alfred looked at her in amazement. Was it possible there was

anything besides Baby worth wondering about? Whether there was or not,

Zoie was no longer to be resisted and with a last regretful look at the

crib, he resigned himself to giving his entire attention to his spoiled

young wife.

Gratified by her hard-won conquest, Zoie now settled herself in Alfred's


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