When Alfred entered Zoie's bedroom he glanced about him in bewilderment.

It appeared that he was in an enchanted chamber. Through the dim rose

light he could barely perceive his young wife. She was lying white and

apparently lifeless on her pillows. He moved cautiously toward the bed,

but Aggie raised a warning finger. Afraid to speak, he grasped Aggie's

hand and searched her face for reassurance; she nodded toward Zoie,

whose eyes were closed. He tiptoed to the bedside, sank on his knees and

reverently kissed the small hand that hung limply across the side of the


To Alfred's intense surprise, his lips had barely touched Zoie's


fingertips when he felt his head seized in a frantic embrace. "Alfred,

Alfred!" cried Zoie in delight; then she smothered his face with kisses.

As she lifted her head to survey her astonished husband, she caught

the reproving eye of Aggie. With a weak little sigh, she relaxed her

tenacious hold of Alfred, breathed his name very faintly, and sank back,

apparently exhausted, upon her pillows.

"It's been too much for her," said the terrified young husband, and he

glanced toward Aggie in anxiety.

Aggie nodded assent.

"How pale she looks," added Alfred, as he surveyed the white face on the


"She's so weak, poor dear," sympathised Aggie, almost in a whisper.

Alfred nodded his understanding to Aggie. It was then that his attention

was for the first time attracted toward the crib.

"My boy!" he exclaimed. And again Zoie forgot Aggie's warning and

sat straight up in bed. But Alfred did not see her. He was making

determinedly for the crib, his heart beating high with the pride of


Throwing back the coverlets of the bassinette, Alfred stared at the

empty bed in silence, then he quickly turned to the two anxious women.

"Where is he?" he asked, his eyes wide with terror.

Zoie's lips opened to answer, but no words came.

Alfred's eyes turned to Aggie. The look on her face increased his worst

fears. "Don't tell me he's----" he could not bring himself to utter the

word. He continued to look helplessly from one woman to the other.

In vain Zoie again tried to answer. Aggie also made an unsuccessful

attempt to speak. Then, driven to desperation by the strain of the

situation, Zoie declared boldly: "He's out."

"Out?" echoed Alfred in consternation.

"With Jimmy," explained Aggie, coming to Zoie's rescue as well as she

knew how.

"Jimmy!" repeated Alfred in great astonishment.

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