Unprepared for the electrical effect of her remark, Zoie found herself

staggering to keep her feet. She gazed at Alfred in amazement. His arms

were lifted to Heaven, his breath was coming fast.

"'The REAL TRUTH!'" he gasped, then bringing his crushed hat down on his

forehead with a resounding whack, he rushed from her sight.

The clang of the closing elevator door brought Zoie to a realisation of

what had actually happened. Determined that Alfred should not escape

her she rushed to the hall door and called to him wildly. There was no

answer. Running back to the room, she threw open the window and threw

herself half out of it. She was just in time to see Alfred climb into


a passing taxi. "Alfred!" she cried. Then automatically she flew to the

'phone. "Give me 4302 Main," she called and she tried to force back her

tears. "Is this Hardy & Company?" she asked.

"Well, this is Mrs. Hardy," she explained.

"I wish you'd ring me up the moment my husband comes in." There was a

slight pause, then she clutched the receiver harder. "Not COMING back?"

she gasped. "Gone!--to Detroit?" A short moan escaped her lips. She

let the receiver fall back on the hook and her head went forward on her

outstretched arms.

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