"Mlle. Celie is under control," she said. "We shall have to teach

her that it is not polite in young ladies to kick." She pressed

Celia down with a hand upon her back, and her voice changed. "Lie

still," she commanded savagely. "Do you hear? Do you know what

this is, Mlle. Celie?" And she held the flask towards the girl's

face. "This is vitriol, my pretty one. Move, and I'll spoil these

smooth white shoulders for you. How would you like that?"

Celia shuddered from head to foot, and, burying her face in the

cushion, lay trembling. She would have begged for death upon her

knees rather than suffer this horror. She felt Vauquier's fingers


lingering with a dreadful caressing touch upon her shoulders and

about her throat. She was within an ace of the torture, the

disfigurement, and she knew it. She could not pray for mercy.

She could only lie quite still, as she was bidden, trying to control

the shuddering of her limbs and body.

"It would be a good lesson for Mlle. Celie," Helene continued

slowly. "I think that if Mlle. Celie will forgive the liberty I

ought to inflict it. One little tilt of the flask and the satin of

these pretty shoulders--"

She broke off suddenly and listened. Some sound heard outside had

given Celia a respite, perhaps more than a respite. Helene set the

flask down upon the table. Her avarice had got the better of her

hatred. She roughly plucked the earrings out of the girl's ears.

She hid them quickly in the bosom of her dress with her eye upon

the door. She did not see a drop of blood gather on the lobe of

Celia's ear and fall into the cushion on which her face was

pressed. She had hardly hidden them away before the door opened

and Adele Rossignol burst into the room.

"What is the matter?" asked Vauquier.

"The safe's empty. We have searched the room. We have found

nothing," she cried.

"Everything is in the safe," Helene insisted.


The two women ran out of the room and up the stairs. Celia, lying

on the settee, heard all the quiet of the house change to noise

and confusion. It was as though a tornado raged in the room

overhead. Furniture was tossed about and over the room, feet

stamped and ran, locks were smashed in with heavy blows. For many

minutes the storm raged. Then it ceased, and she heard the

accomplices clattering down the stairs without a thought of the

noise they made. They burst into the room. Harry Wethermill was

laughing hysterically, like a man off his head. He had been

wearing a long dark overcoat when he entered the house; now he

carried the coat over his arm. He was in a dinner-jacket, and his

black clothes were dusty and disordered.

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