"Ah!" said Ricardo, in a significant exclamation. Wethermill did

not stir. He sat still as a stone, with a face deadly white and

eyes burning upon Hanaud's face.

"But wait," said Hanaud, holding up a warning hand to Ricardo.

"Servettaz was in Chambery, where his parents live. He travelled

to Chambery by the two o'clock train yesterday. He was with them

in the afternoon. He went with them to a cafe in the evening.

Moreover, early this morning the maid, Helene Vauquier, was able

to speak a few words in answer to a question. She said Servettaz

was in Chambery. She gave his address. A telephone message was


sent to the police in that town, and Servettaz was found in bed. I

do not say that it is impossible that Servettaz was concerned in

the crime. That we shall see. But it is quite clear, I think, that

it was not he who opened the house to the murderers, for he was at

Chambery in the evening, and the murder was already discovered

here by midnight. Moreover--it is a small point--he lives, not in

the house, but over the garage in a corner of the garden. Then

besides the chauffeur there was a charwoman, a woman of Aix, who

came each morning at seven and left in the evening at seven or

eight. Sometimes she would stay later if the maid was alone in the

house, for the maid is nervous. But she left last night before

nine--there is evidence of that--and the murder did not take place

until afterwards. That is also a fact, not a conjecture. We can

leave the charwoman, who for the rest has the best of characters,

out of our calculations. There remain then, the maid, Helene

Vauquier, and"--he shrugged his shoulders--"Mlle. Celie."

Hanaud reached out for the matches and lit a cigarette.

"Let us take first the maid, Helene Vauquier. Forty years old, a

Normandy peasant woman--they are not bad people, the Normandy

peasants, monsieur--avaricious, no doubt, but on the whole honest

and most respectable. We know something of Helene Vauquier,

monsieur. See!" and he took up a sheet of paper from the table.

The paper was folded lengthwise, written upon only on the inside.

"I have some details here. Our police system is, I think, a little

more complete than yours in England. Helene Vauquier has served

Mme. Dauvray for seven years. She has been the confidential friend

rather than the maid. And mark this, M. Wethermill! During those

seven years how many opportunities has she had of conniving at

last night's crime? She was found chloroformed and bound. There is

no doubt that she was chloroformed. Upon that point Dr. Peytin is

quite, quite certain. He saw her before she recovered

consciousness. She was violently sick on awakening. She sank again

into unconsciousness. She is only now in a natural sleep. Besides

those people, there is Mlle. Celie. Of her, monsieur, nothing is

known. You yourself know nothing of her. She comes suddenly to Aix

as the companion of Mme. Dauvray--a young and pretty English girl.

How did she become the companion of Mme. Dauvray?"

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