While he had been speaking, the effect of his words had expressed

itself in her eyes and in the alternating colour and pallor of her

face. It was the first time in her life any man had told her that she

was refined and graceful and flower-like; that she was, so to speak,

wasting her sweetness on the desert air, and the speech was both

pleasant and painful to her. The long dark lashes swept her cheek; her

lips set tightly to repress the quiver which threatened them; but when

he had completely broken down, she raised her eyes to his with a look

so grave, so sweet, so girlish, that Stafford's heart leapt, not for

the first time that morning, and there flashed through him the


unexpected thought: "What would not a man give to have those eyes turned upon him with love

shining in their depths!"

"I'm not offended," she said. "I know what you mean. None of your

lady-friends would do it because they are ladies. I'm sorry. But they

are not placed as I am. Do you think I could sit with my hands before

me, or do fancy-work, while things went to ruin? My father is old and

feeble--you saw him the other night--I have no brother--no one to help

me, and--so you see how it is!"

The eyes rested on his with a proud smile, as if she were challenging

him, then she went on: "And it does not matter. I live quite alone; I see no one, no other

lady; there is no one to be ashamed of me."

Stafford reddened.

"That's rather a hard hit for me!" he said. "Ashamed! By Heaven! if you

knew how I admired--how amazed I am at your pluck and goodness--"

Her eyes dropped before his glowing ones.

"And there is no need to pity me: I am quite happy, quite; happier than

I should be if I were playing the piano or paying visits all day. It

has quite left off now."

Half unconsciously he put his hand on her arm pleadingly, and with the

firm, masterful touch of the man.

"Will you wait one more moment?" he said, in his deep, musical voice.

She paused and looked at him enquiringly. "You said just now that you

had no brother, no one to help you. Will you let me help you? will you

let me stand in the place of a friend, of a brother?"

She looked at him with frank surprise; and most men would have been

embarrassed and confused by the steady, astonished regard of the violet

eyes; but Stafford was too eager to get her consent to care for the

amusement that was mixed with the expression of surprise.

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