While Stafford was dressing for dinner that night, and wondering

whether even if he should get an opportunity of speaking to his father,

it would be wise to tell him of Ida, Howard knocked at the door.

Stafford told him to come in, and sent Measom away, and Howard, who was

already dressed, sank into an easy-chair and surveyed his friend with

bland approval.

"A white tie to-night, Staff? Anything on?"

"Yes; there is a dance," replied Stafford, rather absently. What would

his father say and do? Would he go over to Heron Hall the next morning?

Yes, that is what he would do!


"A dance? Is that all? From the undercurrent of suppressed excitement

animating most of the guests I should think it was something more

important. Have you noticed the air of suspense, of fluctuating hope

and doubt, triumph and despair which has characterized our noble band

of financiers during the last few days?"

Stafford shook his head.

"No; I haven't noticed 'em particularly. In fact, I scarcely see them,

or do more than exchange the usual greetings. They seem to me to move

and look and speak just about as usual." Howard smiled.

"To be young and happy and free from care is to be blind: puppies, for

instance, are blind!"

Stafford grinned.

"That's complimentary, anyhow. What do you think is up?"

"I think Sir Stephen is going to pull off his great event, to make his

grand _coup_," said Howard. "So you find a black-and-tan terrier

improves a dress-coat by lying on it?"

Tiny had coiled himself up on that garment, which Measom had laid ready

on the chair, and was lying apparently asleep, but with his large eyes

fixed on his beloved master.

"Oh, he's a peculiar little beast, and is always getting where he

shouldn't be. Hi! young man, get off my coat!"

He picked the terrier up and threw him softly on the bed, but Tiny got

down at once and curled himself up on the fur mat by Stafford's feet.

"Seems to be fond of you: strange dog!" said Howard. "Yes, I think Sir

Stephen's 'little scheme'--as if any scheme of his could be

'little'!--has worked out successfully, and I shouldn't be surprised if

the financiers had a meeting to-night and the floating of the company

was announced."

"Oh," said Stafford, as he got into his coat. "Yes, I daresay it's all

right. The governor seems always to pull it off."

Howard smiled.

"You talk as if an affair of thousands of thousands, perhaps millions,

were quite a bagatelle," he said. "My dear boy, don't you understand,

realise, the importance of this business? It's nothing less than a

railway from--"

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