“What about?”

He motioned me over to the window and pointed down into the yard. My gaze followed his hand and I saw Adam talking to the redhead in the tight dress, one of the two women that Jordan had arrived with. She was stunningly beautiful, standing very close to him and gazing up into his eyes adoringly.

Something tight and visceral clamped around my throat. Back off, bitch. And the thought startled me so much that I almost laughed. “Why is your date flirting with Adam?”

“Hmm. She’s not really my date. I’ve been seeing the other one, her roommate, off and on. This one bought the tickets for the benefit months ago. Back when… well… let’s just say during those brief weeks when Adam was single.”

I swallowed a huge lump in my throat. “That’s the woman he went out with, isn’t it?”

Jordan shifted in his place. “Uh, yeah. I don’t think Adam even realized she was coming today.”

My entire body tensed up. Sure, it was one thing to live with the idea that he’d gone out with someone else when I’d broken up with him during my emotional freak-out. It really hadn’t been wrong of him to go out with her.

But to see her here, looking like that, and flirting with him like he was still available? No. Just no. That was not happening.

“So, uh. I’m sorry about this. I just wanted to explain that. And you shouldn’t get mad at him.”

I folded my arms over my chest, turned my back on the scene and sank onto the window seat, rocking back and forth, thinking. Jordan stepped back, watching me.

“You okay?”


“Not really,” I said through tight lips.

“You sure you don’t want to go down there?”

My jaw clamped shut. “Not looking like a circus freak show, no.”

“Carisa’s a nice girl and pretty gorgeous but I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“Oh? Why shouldn’t I worry about it?”

“Because he was never the least bit interested in her. I’m sure he’s even less interested now, if that’s possible.”

I breathed in and out slowly. It was so weird to even be having this conversation with Jordan. The only reason I could think of was that he felt sorry for me. That kind of ticked me off.

“So did you come up here because you were taking pity on me?”

Jordan looked at me, his hazel eyes full of something—not pity. If I didn’t know better, I would think admiration. What the hell did he have to admire?

“No. I told you. I just feel bad. That you are up here all by yourself. That I even brought her. I figured you might be able to see and I wanted you to know that it doesn’t mean anything.”

I turned and looked outside again. They hadn’t moved. She was still standing inches away from him, right at his arm. Apparently they had something to talk about.

“Feel bad for Adam. His girlfriend is a coward.”

“Hmm.” He took a long pull from his beer and glanced out the window again. “I haven’t seen anything cowardly from you for months. Quite the opposite, actually.” I was silent and Jordan turned back to me. “Besides…you could totally take her. I’d pay good money to watch that.”

I burst out laughing. “You’re such an ass.”

“Yeah. But I’m a loveable ass.”

I nodded, agreeing.

“Well, Marta’s going to be wondering where I disappeared to. I just wanted to make sure you are okay.”

I rubbed my temples with my fingertips, looking down at my pretty dress.

“And stop thinking you are a coward. I’m sure everyone understands.”

I looked up and actually felt a prick of anger at those words. Jordan’s gaze locked on mine, his mouth turned up at the corner. It was almost as if he knew that would piss me off, too. I clenched my jaw and narrowed my gaze at him and he only smiled wider.

“See you later, Mia.” And without waiting for me to reply, he turned and left the room.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, I thought. I stood up and paced for a minute then stopped and looked down through the window again. This woman—Carisa, apparently—was standing even closer to Adam and there were a few others, now, in the group, too. But Adam was still talking to her and practically ignoring all his other guests.

Blowing out a breath of frustration, I walked over to the closet and pulled out a couple of boxes and some hangers full of scarves and threw them all on the bed. I began rummaging. I was already decked out in this lovely floral dress—just perfect for a garden party—and I’d had my make-up professionally done. I just had to figure out what to do about this bald head.

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