I slept in my underwear and she was in a sexy black slip that she’d worn under her black dress. She had curled against me at once and tried to pull me into a kiss but I held firm—and was proud of myself. I didn’t succumb. She was vulnerable and I wasn’t going to take advantage. She just wasn’t ready, no matter what signals she was sending. We still weren’t ready.

Maybe soon, but not now.

We landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport in the late afternoon, local time. She still had no idea that we’d landed in Europe. And I hoped to hold out on that secret until the moment we hit a view with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Or maybe when we arrived at our hotel.

The weather was cold and wet when we walked from the plane to the waiting car. She screwed her head around, trying to look everywhere. But I hid most of what she could see with the umbrella that I’d been handed before we’d deplaned. We made it to the car before she could see enough to give her any clue as to where she was. And from what I could see, we could be in any nondescript U.S. town for all she knew.

As it was, the jig was up the moment our driver made a phone call in French. The cold weather was the first clue that we weren’t in the Caribbean. But the French was the second clue. She turned to me with saucer-shaped eyes. “You didn’t.”

I raised my brow to ask the question without saying a word.

“You didn’t fly us to Paris…”

I didn’t answer. I really wanted to smile but I kept my face straight. She was in absolute shock. “There are other places in the world that speak French, you know.”

“I’ve seen the bucket list that I supposedly dictated to you. You flew us to fucking Paris! Holy shit.”

I finally cracked a smile. Her reaction was amusing. I loved doing stuff like this. Thanks to Jordan, I could.

We’d driven far enough into the city that the tower was now visible. So I indicated it behind her and she spun. “No fucking way. We are in Paris!”


“We just might be.”

She spun back to me. “How the hell did you do this? Does my doctor know I left the country? How the hell did we get through customs without my even knowing?”

I waggled my eyebrows. “I have ways. I am an international man of mystery.’

“You are the coolest geek on the planet.”

“Hmm. Flattery will get you everywhere.”

She smirked at me. “That’s what I’m counting on.”

“Are you tired? Or do you want to do some sightseeing after we check in?”

“Umm. I do believe I have a few bucket list items to check off. How long are we here for?”

“Wait and see.”

“Is this trip going to be all like this? With you just giving me no info?”

“Is it bothering you?”

She smiled. “No, it’s actually kind of fun. I just won’t bother to ask any questions, then.”

“Hmm. I should have thought of something like this long ago.”

“Don’t push your luck, bub. I wonder if bald women get a better rap in Paris? Maybe I could start a new fashion fad if I parade down the Champs-Élysées in front of the Chanel store.”

“I think the most alluring models might just shave their heads but—again—still won’t be as hot as you.”

Her eyes shone. “Well, aren’t you just full of flattery yourself? It goes without saying that it will get you everywhere. Hell, as long as it’s been, you needn’t apply much flattery at all these days.”

“Mmm. Then I’ll save it for when it’s needed.”

She curled up a fist and playfully punched me in the arm as the limo slowed in the Avenue George V and the driver opened the door. This was going to be one of the highlights of our trip.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


The hotel was breathtaking, and from the moment we entered, I couldn’t stop gaping at everything around me. Quiet piano music played in the lobby. There were black and white marble floors decorated with tall black stone vases all arranged artistically in the hotel foyer, full of hundreds of fresh white flowers of all varieties. We were escorted to our own private elevator, given a special key card for access and whisked us up to our room. The elevator opened right into our penthouse suite.

The place was amazing. It overlooked the city with wraparound balconies on either side of the building providing a 360-degree view of the city. On one side, the Eiffel Tower loomed over the Seine and on the other, the Arc de Triomphe stood immovable at the center of a sea of cars swarming around the Place Charles de Gaulle. I could hardly catch my breath as with each passing moment, I got a view of yet another famous monument I’d seen only in pictures. This was surreal.

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