The funeral was very sad. I said my last goodbyes to one of the most gentle and loving people I knew. The church was packed with friends and family. At the cemetery, with friends and family holding white balloons, we released them to the heavens where I knew Denise's soul would abide with God for all of eternity.

Taking one last look at the gravesite, I turned and almost lost my balance as I came face to face with Drake Peterson. There were so many people there that I hadn't seen him in the crowd. Through teary eyes, I could see that he was standing tall and more handsome than the last time I saw him. It should have been a sin how fine he was. His wavy hair was cut close to his scalp. Those beautiful hazel eyes of his were still as I remembered. He was more handsome in his maturity than he was in college. Grabbing me by my shoulders, he pulled me into his strong and still muscular arms.

"Alyssa! I wasn't sure you would be here, but I should never have doubted that you would be. I am so glad to see you again, even if it is under such sad circumstances. I know how close you and Denise were."

For the first time that day, I smiled. Drake smelled so good it took everything in me to remember where I was. My heart rate increased as all the love I thought was gone forever resurfaced as if it was awaking from a deep sleep. I had to get control over my emotions. I had David back in New York and he was safe and dependable. Pulling myself out of Drake's arms, I smiled hoping he didn't see in my eyes how much he had unsettled me.

"It is good to see you too, Drake," I said in a calm voice.

"Wow! You look beautiful. You are more beautiful than the last time I saw you, if that's possible."

"Thank you," I said as his eyes devoured me where I stood. I needed to get as far away from Drake as possible, because the way I responded to him was not good. "Drake it's good seeing you, but I am going to go on over to Weston's place and spend some time with the family before I go back to my hotel."

"Great! I'm going by there, so I'll definitely see you there," he said. "Where are you parked? I'll walk you to your car," he insisted.

Leading the way to my rental, I turned and saw Drake staring at my rear, which made me walked faster to the parked car. I unlocked the door with my key pad and Drake reached around me and opened the door. I slid behind the wheel and was about to thank him when I noticed his eyes were glued to my thighs where my dress had ridden dangerously high. I cleared my throat to get his attention, so he would close the door. He closed the door he stepped back. He did not try to hide the look of total lust in his eyes.

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