"I am seeing someone and have been for a while now. His name is David McRay. I really think we are good together. He hasn't popped the question yet, but I got a feeling he will soon."

"Are you ready for marriage if he asks you?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I really do care for him a lot. I just don't know if I'm ready. What I do know is that I definitely want children, I'm 34 years old and my clock is ticking."

"Don't get mad at me, Lyssa," Weston said reverting back to my nickname in college.

"Go ahead, Wes," I said with a smile. "Say what's on your mind?"

"Well, I've just always wondered what it would have been like if you would have forgiven Drake. Maybe you could have been happy and we could have raised our kids together, just like the way you and Denise grew up together."

"The past is the past," I said. "Besides, Denise told me he married Autumn. I mean, she did get pregnant after he slept with her, remember? I have to hand it to her, she went after what she wanted and got it."

"He married her and divorced her," Weston said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, surprised that I really meant it. "It's sad when children are involved in a divorce. Their son should be around eleven by now right?"

"Something like that. He is about four years older than the twins."


Pointedly, I changed the subject. "When was the last time you've eaten? I am kind of famished after passing on the air plane food."

"Forgive my manners, what do you want to drink? There is plenty of food in the fridge that friends and neighbors have been bringing over."

"Thank you, but why don't we go to my favorite restaurant. I saw it on my way over here."

"No need to say more," Wes said with a smile." Applebees here we come. I didn't forget."

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