“I’ll speak to him. I’ve kept a discreet watch on certain people through the centuries.” A glance out of those eyes of inhuman blue. “As have you, Dmitri.”

“None of them could have done this.” He’d already made certain of it. “However, games,” he said, “no matter how vicious, are something I can handle with ease.” Even if those games attempted to awaken the ghost of an angel who hadn’t deserved the quick death they’d dealt her. “It’s the second situation that’s become more critical.”

Raphael listened in silence as Dmitri laid out the facts of the mortal “hunt.” “This Honor,” the archangel said when Dmitri finished, his tone icy with anger, “she is competent?”

“Yes.” Brilliant mind, human heart, ancient eyes.

“Elena is a better tracker.”

Impossible to dispute, since Elena was hunter-born, a bloodhound as far as vampires were concerned. “That skill isn’t necessary at present.” And this was Honor’s hunt, as Isis had been Dmitri’s. “We’re digging out the snakes, not chasing them.”

“An apt analogy.” Wings rustling as he folded them tight to his back, Raphael turned to look Dmitri straight in the eye. “Many believe such depravity is exactly what you would savor.”

Dmitri knew that, understood full well how close he was to crossing lines that could not be uncrossed. “It seems even I am not yet that degenerate.”

You would never harm a woman in such a way, Dmitri. The archangel’s voice in his mind, the purity of it almost painful. We both know this. It’s why I allow you to push Elena in ways for which I would kill another.

Some would say you trust me too much, Sire.

And some would say you are wasted as a second when you could rule your own territory.


It seems neither of us cares much for the opinions of others.

Together they walked back into the library and down the corridor that led to the front entrance. “Venom will need to leave the city soon,” Raphael said. “Galen is strong, but I want him to have another of the Seven in the Refuge. Naasir must remain in Amanat.”

Dmitri blew out a breath. “Aodhan is serious about coming to New York?”


“He’ll cause chaos.” With eyes of fractured glass and wings of diamond brilliance, Aodhan stood apart even amongst immortals.

“He is apt to fly so high that mortals will glimpse only a shadow that splinters light.”

Dmitri nodded. Aodhan had an aversion to touch, one Dmitri understood. He’d been in the Medica when the angel had been brought in two hundred years ago. Raphael had carried Aodhan’s emaciated and dirt-encrusted body in his arms, laid him down with the utmost care so as not to crush his wings, which were nothing much more than a few slivers of tendon hanging on to bone.

It had been, Dmitri thought, the last time anyone had held Aodhan in any way, shape, or form. “I’ll work out the transfer.” He rubbed his jaw. “I need someone on Sorrow, and Aodhan won’t be suitable.”


“Yes.” The smooth-talking Cajun was no longer under Contract, but he’d given his loyalty to Raphael and it was a loyalty that went to the core. “I’ll contact him closer to the transfer date.”



“Are you well?”

Dmitri knew what the archangel was asking. “Isis is dead and buried, this sycophant nothing but an irritation.” The ghosts who haunted him were far gentler . . . and cut so deep that he bled inside without surcease.

The dream wasn’t a nightmare. That fact startled Honor enough that she almost woke, but the pleasure, oh, the pleasure was too much to resist.

A strong male body over her own, a rough-skinned hand on her throat as he kissed her with a lazy patience that she knew could turn demanding without warning. But today, today he wanted to play. And she was his willing plaything. “Open,” he murmured and she parted her lips, let him slide his tongue inside.

It was a wicked, decadent act, one she’d allowed him early on in their courtship, her resistance to him so flimsy as to be smoke. Her reward for such sin had been a pleasure that had stolen her breath, the taste of him an addiction. Now that beautiful mouth explored hers with open possession as he thrust his thigh between her own, pushed it up to rub against the softest part of her.

She cried out at the feel of the crisp hairs on his leg, the hard flex of muscle. Bare to the skin as she was—he’d made her strip for him, made her go slow as he devoured her with the only eyes that had ever seen her thus—no part of her was safe from the proprietary heat of his touch. Moving the hand on her throat down to a breast that had grown heavy and even fuller over the past spring, he squeezed. Not too hard for the sensitive flesh. Just hard enough.

“Please,” she whispered, knowing he would have no mercy on her tonight.

A husky chuckle that vibrated through her body. “We’ve just begun.” Tugging at her nipple, twisting it a little. She bucked against him, his skin slick and damp where it pressed against her. Reaching down, he insinuated one hand between his thigh and her swollen flesh. “Is this what you want?” A flick over the hot nub at the apex of her thighs.

“Oh!” It was a frustrated cry as he slid his fingers through her sensitive folds before withdrawing. “More.”

Smiling at her in the musky dark, he brought those fingers to his lips instead, sucked deep. Her womb clenched, because he used that sinful mouth to suck her most intimate flesh as deep when the mood came upon him. Tonight, however, he seemed content to pin her to their simple bed and tease her to fever pitch with callused hands that knew her every secret, her every fantasy—he had talked her into whispering them in his ear this past winter, as the world lay quiet around them. And then he had told her his own.

When his mouth descended on the stiff peak of her breast, she almost sobbed at the relief of it. He rolled her nipple in his mouth, bit down a fraction to remind her he was in charge . . . before sucking so hard that she rubbed herself against his thigh with frantic need, no longer shy with him, not now. Right when she would have gone over, found that secret place he’d shown her on a sun-golden field three summers ago, he withdrew his thigh.

She shuddered. “Beast.” He’d been so careful with her that day, so gentle, even as he seduced the most good of girls into lying down with him in the grass, his hand stroking up under her dress to touch her in ways no one had ever touched her.

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