The cold covered me like a blanket. I allowed the scream in the back of my throat to flow through my mouth, "Hey, shh, calm down!" That voice made me cower into myself. "I'm sorry; you are okay now, hush!" The boy whispers to me, a hand touching my leg. The cold that blanketed me was replaced with heat, fear, and energy. "Get... away" I hiss. My teeth chatter in anger. The boy pulls his hand away from my leg and the cold returns. "Whatever." He growls and turns away. "Why didn't you just leave me there, let me die?" I ask after a few moments of silence. The boy lifts an eyebrow and glances at me, "Because I am no murder, Colin Alexandria Winchester, I... my original job was to protect you until, Michael, my master took control, now I am supposed to kill you and I cannot do that, I have been with you for too long... you have grown on me, Mo Solas*." My breath catches as he says my name, his facial expression does not show any sign of hostility or mocking. "You’re Master? You mean to tell me you’re a slave?" I rasp out hoarsely. He snickers, "No, Colin not a slave, I am a second, Michael is an angel, an archangel, I follow him, and I am his second in command." He explains. The word "angel" makes me jump, I search his face for lies, joking, teasing... anything... My blood began to boil when I come up empty. "So, you try to kill me, somehow you know where I live," I gesture around my bedroom to prove my point. "...the I ask a question, a very simple one may I add and you LIE to me, you are all kinds of psycho, what in the hell is wrong with you?!" I scream. He does not wince, grimace, or step back like I had expected, he keeps his gaze on me, "Do not believe me, Colin that is fine... someday... some other time you will believe me..." He shrugs. I step forward and punch his chest, pounding it in fear, anger, and shock. "Please stop lying to me, tell me the truth, please...please..." I cry. The boy grips my wrists and pulls me closer into his torso, "I did, I promise, Mo Solas, I will not lie to you...never to you!" He whispers in my ear. My body hums with heat from his touch. I decide to let it go and push it into the future 'ask again later see if he gives the same answer' I tell myself. "What is your name?" I ask. He strokes my wrist with his thumb then realizes what he is doing and drops my hands, pushing me away. “I am Zadkiel." He answers with a sigh. My legs wobble and my arms tremble. "Come, you should get ready..." He says. I snap my head up. "For what?" He smirks and walks to my door. "School starts in two hours; you will not miss another day." I huff, nod, and drag my legs to the closet. The sound of the door shutting fills my ears, glancing around, my room is empty. I tiptoe to my dresser and begin to run my hands along the objects, my eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, carmex jar, at my brush, I am forced to stop. The vision that lies before me surprises me. 'Zadkiel picks up the brush, his eyes shining from the streetlights outside of my window. He turns at the sound of my movement among my bed sheets; I moan then go back to sleeping in what seems like a peaceful state, his lips in an admiring grin. He sashays over and stops at my side. "Please, come back to me, Mo Solas... please..." He mutters his voice full of hope. The boy leans down and pecks my forehead, he makes his way back to my dresser takes a huge whiff of my smell(?) then sits it down where it laid before.' I am pushed out of the past and into the future as the vision ends. Seeing him kiss me, I can now feel it, the heat surging through my body just like every other time we come in to contact. "Colin, are you ready?" Zadkiel's voice comes from the other side of my door. I sprint to my closet grab a black band hoodie and sweatpants, then walk to the door and open it. "I'm going to... take a shower." I sigh then glide past him, and shut the bathroom door behind me.

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