“I see,” Lady Bridgerton said, that enigmatic smile still in place on her face. “You may, of course, bring your own mending  to tea.”

“Oh, but I could not dream of it.”

“But I am telling you that you can.”

And Sophie could tell by the tone of her voice that what she was really saying was that she must.

“Of course,” Sophie murmured, and followed her into the upstairs sitting room.

The girls were all there, in their usual places, bickering and smiling and tossing jokes (although thankfully no scones.) The  eldest Bridgerton daughter, Daphne—now the Duchess of Hastings—was there as well, with her youngest daughter,  Caroline, in her arms.

“Sophie!” Hyacinth said with a beam. “I thought you must have been ill.”

“But you just saw me this morning,” Sophie reminded her, “when I dressed your hair.”

“Yes, but you didn’t seem quite yourself.”

Sophie had no suitable reply, since she really hadn ‘t been quite herself. She couldn’t very well contradict the truth. So  she just sat in a chair and nodded when Francesca inquired if she wanted some tea.

“Penelope Featherington said she would drop by today,” Eloise said to her mother just as Sophie was taking her first sip. Sophie had never met Penelope, but she was frequently written about in Whistledown, and she knew that she and Eloise  were fast friends.


“Has anyone noticed that Benedict hasn’t visited in some time?” Hyacinth asked.

Sophie jabbed her finger but thankfully managed to keep from yelping with pain.

“He hasn’t been by to see Simon and me, either,” Daphne said.

“Well, he told me he would help me with my arithmetic,” Hyacinth grumbled, “and he has most certainly reneged on his word.”

“I’m sure it has merely slipped his mind,” Lady Bridgerton said diplomatically. “Perhaps if you sent him a note.”

“Or simply banged on his door,” Francesca said, giving her eyes a slight roll. “It’s not as if he lives very far away.”

“I am an unmarried female,” Hyacinth said with a huff. “I cannot visit bachelor lodgings.”

Sophie coughed.

“You’re fourteen,” Francesca said disdainfully.


“You should ask Simon for help, anyway,” Daphne said. “He’s much better with numbers than Benedict.”

“You know, she’s right,” Hyacinth said, looking at her mother after shooting one last glare at Francesca. “Pity for Benedict.  He’s completely without use to me now.”

They all giggled, because they knew she was joking. Except for Sophie, who didn’t think she knew how to giggle anymore.

“But in all seriousness,” Hyacinth continued, “what is he good at? Simon’s better at numbers, and Anthony knows more of history. Colin’s funnier, of course, and—”

“Art,” Sophie interrupted in a sharp voice, a little irritated that Benedict’s own family didn’t see his individuality and strengths.

Hyacinth looked at her in surprise. “I beg your pardon?”

“He’s good at art,” Sophie repeated. “Quite a bit better than any of you, I imagine.”

That got everyone’s attention, because while Sophie had let them see her naturally dry wit, she was generally soft-spoken,  and she certainly had never said a sharp word to any of them.

“I didn’t even know he drew,” Daphne said with quiet interest. “Or does he paint?”

Sophie glanced at her. Of the Bridgerton women, she knew Daphne the least, but it would have been impossible to miss the look of sharp intelligence in her eyes. Daphne was curious about her brother’s hidden talent, she wanted to know why she didn’t know about it, and most of all, she wanted to know why Sophie did.

In less than a second Sophie was able to see all of that in the young duchess’s eyes. And in less than a second she decided  that she’d made a mistake. If Benedict hadn’t told his family about his art, then it wasn’t her place to do so.

“He draws,” she finally said, in a voice that she hoped was curt enough to prevent further questions.

It was. No one said a word, although five pairs of eyes remained focused quite intently on her face.

“He sketches,” Sophie muttered.

She looked from face to face. Eloise’s eyes were blinking rapidly. Lady Bridgerton wasn’t blinking at all. “He’s quite good,” Sophie muttered, mentally kicking herself even as she said it. There was something about silence among the Bridgertons  that compelled her to fill the void.

Finally, after the longest moment of silence ever to fill the space of a second, Lady Bridgerton cleared her throat and said,  “I should like to see one of his sketches.” She dabbed a napkin to her lips even though she hadn’t taken a sip of her tea. “Provided, of course, that he cares to share it with me.”

Sophie stood up. “I think I should go.”

Lady Bridgerton speared her with her eyes. “Please,” she said, in a voice that was velvet over steel, “stay.”

Sophie sat back down.

Eloise jumped to her feet. “I think I hear Penelope.”

“You do not,” Hyacinth said.

“Why would I lie?”

“I certainly don’t know, but—”

The butler appeared in the doorway. “Miss Penelope Featherington,” he intoned.

“See,” Eloise shot at Hyacinth.

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